Paraphrase 1
Paraphrase 2
Paraphrase 3
Paraphrase 4
Paraphrase 5

Mary weeded her garden. Her hands got dirty.

(Due to)

Due to weeding her garden, Mary's hands got dirty.

Mary's hands got dirty due to weeding her garden.


The red team scored more points than the blue team. The red team won. 



The red team scored more points than the blue team, therefore, the red team won.


John didn’t wear a coat in the snow. He was freezing.

The reason why.. 

The reason why John was freezing was that he didn't wear a coat in the snow. 


Global warming leads to a hotter and less productive planet.

(caused by)

A hotter and less productive planet is caused by global warming.


Anna's Christmas tree fell. There were too many ornaments on it.


There were too many ornaments on Anna's Christmas tree, so it fell.


Shawn got a stomach ache. He ate too many sweets.

Because of

Because of eating too many sweets, Shawn got a stomach ache.


We were late. There was a lot of traffic

Owing to

Owing to the traffic, we were late.


Dave had a car accident. He was sending a text while driving.


David was sending a text while driving,(;) thus, he had an accident.


Doing lots of extra reading contributes to improvement in reading and vocabulary. 

(stem from)

Improvement in reading and vocabulary stems from doing lots of extra reading.


As the clouds gather more and more particles of water, the water falls as precipitation (rain or snow).

The cause of...

The cause of precipitation is the gathering of water particles in the clouds.

The cause of precipitation is that the clouds gather more and more particles of water.


Bob left his umbrella at home. He got wet walking to his car.


Since Bob forgot his umbrella, he got wet walking to his car.
Bob got wet walking to his car since he forgot his umbrella


Bill couldn't go to gym. He forgot his gym clothes.

(meant that)

Forgetting his gym clothes meant that Bill couldn't  go to the gym.


Meena is a good volleyball player. She wins many games.

(contribute to) 

Meenabeing a good volleyball player contributes to winning many games.


Vitamin D deficiency might contribute to cancer. 

(one result)

One result of vitamin D deficiency might be cancer.


When heat is added to ice, the ice melts into water.


The heating of ice creates water.


I ate a hot pepper and my mouth burned.


 My mouth to burned because I ate a hot pepper


There was disagreement among the members of the party. This caused conflict.

(stem from)

The conflict stemmed from the disagreement among the members of the party.


Playing Quizlets can help improve vocabulary knowledge.

(contribute to)

Playing Quizlets can contribute to improved vocabulary knowledge.


The experts say that people's lack of sleep is the main cause of accidents.


People don't sleep enough/adequately, hence, they have accidents.


When heat is added to water, the water evaporates, turning from liquid into gas.

The result of...

The result of heated water is evaporation.


We stayed inside. There was a storm.


There was a storm, therefore we stayed inside.


There is disagreement among the members of the party. This will cause conflict.

(lead to)

The disagreement among the members will lead to conflict.


The groom's flight was delayed. He couldn't make it home in time for the wedding.

As a result of


As a result of the delayed flight, the groom couldn't make it home for the wedding. 


The water cycle is always in motion on the earth. This always provides fresh water..


As the water cycle is always in motion on the earth, there is always fresh water.


She trained so hard to get the gold medal. She achieved her goal.

(bring about)

Training hard brought about the gold medal/achieving her goal.
