Yaakov prepares to meet Esav
Yaakov's fight with the malach
Yaakov and Eisav meet
Maiseh Dinah
Parashas Vayeshev

Why did Yaakov split the machaneh?

So that if Esav attacked one group, the other group would remain alive.


Balailah hahu--what night was it?

Tisha B’av


According to the zohar, why did Yaakov bow?

He saw the shechinah passing by


What main middah raah do we see by Shechem?

He never admits what he did wrong.


Why did Yaakov assume Yosef was killed by wild animals and not robbers?

If Yosef was killed by robbers, they would have taken the kesones.


What are two peshatim in the meaning of the words Vayira and Vayetzer?

Vayira: He was afraid he’d be killed

Vayetzer lo: He was afraid he would kill others


What lesson do we see from Yaakov going back to get his pachim ketanim?

We see that one should always be careful with something that is worth a small amount because it is from Hashem.


What is the connection between Binyomin and Mordechai?

Binyomin did not bow to Esav, so too Mordechai, his descendant did not bow to Haman (Sfas Emes)


According to the Sefas Emes, why did Dinah go out?

She went out l’shem shamayim to do kiruv.


According to the Yerushalmi, why do we do the mitzvah of pidyon haben?

To remind us of mechiras yosef--that the 5 shekalim that are used for pidyon haben is equal to esrim kesef, which is what Yosef was sold for.


Who else used Yaakov’s makel?



Melech Hamashiach


Why was Yaakov hit in his thigh?

Because he married two sisters.


Why is Vayivku plural?

Esav cried because his teeth fell out and Yaakov cried because his neck was stiff (Targum Yerushalmi).


According to Targum Yonason, why did Dinah go out?

To see the styles of Bnos Shechem


How was Yaakov punished middah k’negged middah with seir izim?

When Yaakov went to Yitzchak to get the berachos, he tricked him by wearing seir izim. So too now, by the ketones passim, Yaakov was tricked with the blood of a seir izim.


According to the Klei Yakar, why was Yaakov afraid?

  1. He flattered Esav-- and anyone who is machanif himself to a rasha, sof nafal beyado. 

  2. He was afraid Hashem would take his zechuyos to protect him. 


What do the names Yaakov and Yisroel represent?

Yaakov: galus, ekev, the heel, which is low down

Yisroel: Geulah


How did Yaakov know his gift was not accepted by Eisav, according to Seforno?

Because he saw there were 400 people with him.


Why is the word naarah chaser?


To teach us that Dinah was only 8 years old.


According to the Klei Yakar, what is the chaya raah being merameiz to?

To the shevatim, who are symbolized by animals.


Al pi kabalah, what is the reason Yaakov gave these specific animals to Esav?

Yaakov saw that all these animals had the neshamos of reshaim so he gave them to Esav so they wouldn’t be born to Bnei Yisroel.


According to the Malbim, what does the passuk mean when it says Vayivaser Yaakov levado?

Yaakov was able to separate his body from his neshama, and his neshama was fighting with the sar shel Esav. Yaakov was left alone, meaning Yaakov was separated from his body.


What is the gematria of yehi licha asher lach and what does it teach us?

It is the gematria of zeh haberachos and it teaches us that Esav wanted Yaakov berachos.


Why does the passuk call Shimon and Levi achei Dinah if it is obvious?

Rashi says: a brother is someone who would put their life on the line for someone else


Why does Yaakov use the double lashon of tarof toraf used?

The first one is going on the ripping of Yosef’s body and the second one is going on that Yosef won’t be zoche to kevuras Yisroel.
