Before the plague of locusts, 'ה hardens Pharaoh's heart for these reasons.
What is to show his signs and wonders to Pharaoh and his court AND so that the children of Israel would know 'ה's power?
This was a particular characteristic of the plague of darkness חשך.
What is that is was tangible- you could touch it?
The Egyptians were willing to give this to the Israelite men and women.
What is silver and gold?
This is the first mitzvah given to Moshe for the new nation of Israel.
What is marking the new month, Rosh Chodesh, ראש חדש?
The day of the month when the lamb/kid had to be set aside.
What is the tenth (10) of the month?
Moshe and Aharon ask this of Pharaoh before brining the plague of locusts.
What is : 'How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Let My people go that they my worship Me' ?
This plague חשך lasted this many days.
What is three?
G-d assures Moshe that this will definitely happen after the next and last plague.
What is that the Israelites will absolutely leave Egypt?
The possible connection from setting the time of the new month (ראש חדש) to being a slave.
What is slaves have no control of their time but free people do?
(B'nai Yisrael would need to be free to observe this mitzvah)
The Israelites were to eat the קרבן פסח with these things.
What are with matzah and bitter herbs מרור?
The locusts destroyed what was leftover from this plague.
What is hail ברד?
In order to stop this plague, Pharaoh offers this to Moshe and B'nai Yisrael.
What is that they could go out of Egypt to worship 'ה BUT they would have to leave their cattle and flocks behind?
With this plague, this phenomena would indicate the difference between Egyptians and Israelites.
What is that not even a dog would snarl at any of the Israelites or the Israelites animals ?
This is the first month for the Holiday calendar of the Jewish people.
What is ניסן ?
The amount of the sacrifice קרבן פסח that could be leftover until morning.
What is NONE?
The plague of locusts was particularly hard for the Egyptians because of this.
What is the locusts filled also the houses and palaces?
After Moshe rejects Pharaoh's offer, Pharaoh threatens Moshe with this.
What is that if Moshe ever came back, upon seeing Pharaoh, he would die?
The method uses by the Israelites to not be affected by this plague.
What is putting blood of the lamb/kid on the doorpost?
The way this mitzvah of ראש חדש is different than the mitzvah of observing Shabbat שבת.
Gd sets the time for Shabbat but human beings set the time for the months?
The reason for the celebration of the Festival of Unleavened Bread/Matzah.
What is to remember that G-d took the Israelites out of the land of Egypt?
This is how 'ה got rid of the locusts.
What is 'ה brought a wind from the West and hurled them into the Sea of Reeds?
The difference experience of the Israelites and the Egyptians with the plague of darkness חשך.
What is the Egyptians could not see anyone or move about but the Israelites had light in their homes?
The time of the day when this plague occured.
What is in the middle of the night- or at midnight?
The reason why it was necessary to set time for the Israelites after this plague.
What is that it was necessary in order to celebrate the new holiday of Pesach פסח at the right time?
The other mitzvah 'ה commands the Jewish people after Pesach.
What is the mitzvah of tefillin תפילין?