Type 1 Tasks
Type 2 Tasks
Type 3 Tasks
Find the PARCC Mathematics High Level Blueprints. How many type 1, 2, and 3 questions will be on the EOY (End of Year) assessment for grades 3, 4, and 5? Hint: The PARCC Assessment-->Blueprints & Test Specs, then under additional information
EOY (End of Year) 3rd: Type 1--34, Type 2--5 4th: Type 1--28, Type 2--8 5th: Type 1--28, Type 2--8
Find the 3rd grade sample task called "Fractions on Number Line." What technology enhancement does this question?
Drag and drop. A note about scoring: "The testing interface would allow a given fraction to "stick" to the number line in a finite number of locations, e.g., every 1/4 of a unit. Two or more fractions could be dragged to occupy the same location, although in a correct response all three fractions all occupy different locations on the number line."
Click on the link "Prototype Items" which takes you to the Mathematics Common Core Toolbox site published by the Dana Center. In the task "Ordering Juice Drinks (grade 4)," why were the numbers (6, 2, 20, 7, 24, and 200) chosen?
"The numbers in this task were intentionally chosen in order to enable students to identify and apply the mathematics underlying the problem situation without requiring complicated computation."
True or False: Type III tasks are always innovative and machine scored.
False: Type III tasks may include a mix of innovative, machine scored and hand scored responses.
What are fluency expectations for 5th grade? Hint: Listed in the Model Content Framework.
5.NBT.5 (x multidigit whole numbers using the standard algorithm)
Find the PARCC Mathematics High Level Blueprints. How many type 1, 2, and 3 questions will be on the PBA/MYA (Performance Based Assessment/Mid-Year Assessment) for grades 3, 4, and 5? Hint: The PARCC Assessment-->Blueprints & Test Specs, then under additional information
PBA/MYA Totals 3rd: Type 1--10, Type 2--4, Type 3--3 4th: Type 1--10, Type 2--4, Type 3--3 5th: Type 1--9, Type 2--4, Type 3--3
Find the 3rd grade sample task called "Patricia's Reading Time." The standard assessed (3.MD.1-2) states that students must solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. Are all parts this content standard assessed with this 1 point question?
No, see clarifications. i) Only the answer is required (methods, representations, etc. are not assessed here). ii) Tasks do not involve reading start/stop times from a clock more calculating elapsed time.
Click on the link "Prototype Items" which takes you to the Mathematics Common Core Toolbox site published by the Dana Center. How can a student earn partial credit for the task called "Buses, vans, and cars (grade 4)?"
The student selects only 2 of the correct answers OR all 3 of the correct answers and an additional incorrect response.
ln the 4th grade sample task called "Three Friends' Beads," will students be able to receive points their work in part B if answers for Part A are incorrect?
Yes. "Students may receive points for their work in Part B if answers for Part A are correctly added and then added to 10 to find the total number of beads."
What are fluency expectations for 4th grade? Hint: Listed in the Model Content Framework.
4.NBT.4 (+ and - multidigit whole numbers using the standard algorithm)
Describe type I, II, and II Tasks.
Type I: Tasks assessing concepts, skills, and procedures Type II: Tasks assessing expressing mathematical reasoning Type III: Tasks assessing modeling/applications
Find the 3rd grade sample task called "Vans for a Field Trip." How many possible correct answers are there for this task? What is the clarification for 3.OA.6 as listed as part of the "Evidence Statement."
There are 2 possible correct answers: ? x 9 or 9 x ? The clarification is, "All products and related quotients are from the harder three quadrants of the times table (a x b where a>5 and/or b>5)."
What technology skills do students need to understand in order to complete the 3rd grade sample task called "The Field."
drag and drop arrows in the upper right to move from part A to part B clicking in the typing fields typing--must explain why
Click on the link "Prototype Items" which takes you to the Mathematics Common Core Toolbox site published by the Dana Center. Try "Fractions on the Number Line (grade 3)." What skills (technology and traditional) do students need to have to complete this 8 point task?
drag and drop understand that questions can have one or multiple correct answers drag sliders to create models use work from one step to help with the next step explain reasoning other skills that make sense
What are fluency expectations for 3rd grade? Hint: Listed in the Model Content Framework.
3.OA.7 (X and / within 100, memorize products of two one-digit numbers from memory) 3.NBT.2 (+ and - within 1000 using strategies and algorithms)
PARCC offers both summative and non-summative assessment components. List the summative and non-summative components of the mathematics assessments.
Summative: Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) and End of Year Assessment (EOY) Non-Summative: Diagnostic Assessment and Mid-Year Assessment (MYA) Speaking & Listening Assessment is a non-summative assessment for ELA only.
Find the 5th grade sample task called "The Area of a Cut Board." How is this 1 point question different from current 1 point questions on our state assessment?
Any relevant answer. Have to draw lines on the computer screen by clicking on opposite points. There are two things for the student to do to receive the 1 point (model the cuts and find the area by multiplying fractions). Also, the content is new for 5th grade with the CCSS. 5th graders did not previously have to multiply fractions.
A) How do students earn all 4 points for the 4th grade sample task called "Fraction Comparison?" B) How many mathematical practices does this question address?
2 points for calculation (each number line) and 2 points for reasoning (part B and part C) B) 2-3: MP.3 and MP.6 since students must construct viable arguments through precisely written mathematical statements. MP.7 could also come out if students use the number line models given in the stem to find the structure needed for the explanation.
ln the 3rd grade sample task called "Art Teacher's Rectangular Array," which content and practice standards are addressed? Is the content standard a major content standard for 3rd grade?
3.OA.8: solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. MP.4: model mathematics MP.2: reason abstractly and quantitatively Yes, 3.OA.8 is a major content standard in 3rd grade.
Bring up the grade 4 fluency sample item on your screen. Which content standard does this item assess? Which practice standard does this item assess?
4.NBT.4 No Standards for Mathematical Practice are associated with this task.
Bring up on your screen the "Content Emphases by Cluster" for your grade level. Hint: In the Model Content Framework
Heading "Content Emphases by Cluster" near the end of the Model Content Framework for each grade level.
Find the 5th grade sample task called "Two Aquarium Tanks." What content and practice standards do this task assess? Why is this standard chosen? Can a student earn a point for part B if they answer part A incorrectly?
5.MD.5c on volume MP.4: model with mathematics MP.7: make use of structure This standard was chosen because it "is major content in the grade based on the PARCC Model Content Frameworks." Yes. A student can still earn a point for part B even if part A was incorrect.
How will the 4th grade sample task called "Fraction Model" be scored? Will the shading of the models be scored?
This question is worth 4 points. Students will get 2 points for reasoning (part A and B) and 2 points for computation (fraction equivalent in part A and converting fractions to decimals in Part B). No, the shading of the models will not be scored. It is provided as a tool to help students understand the problem.
How will the 5th grade sample task called "Mr. Edmund's Pencil Box" be scored?
Part A will be machine scored and is worth 1 point for the correct representation of 7/12 on the number line. Part B will be hand scored and is worth 2 points. 1 point for formulating the problem. 1 point for interpreting the results.
Bring up the grade 3 fluency sample item on your screen. Which content standard does this item assess? Which practice standard does this item assess?
Click on all the equations that are true. __ 8 x 9 = 81 __ 54/9 = 24/6 __ 7 x 5 = 25 __ 8 x 3 = 4 x 6 __ 49/7 = 56/8 3.OA.7: x and / within 100 (paraphrased) MP.7: Look for and make use of structure. The true equations in the list show two different ways of writing the same number. This circumstance can be useful in checking work on this problem.