Poetic Devices
Inferences and Conclusions
Main Idea and Summarize
Grab Bag
Crack an egg. Stir the butter. Break the yolk. Make it flutter. Stoke the heat. Hear it sizzle. Shake the salt, just a drizzle. Flip it over, just like that. Press it down. Squeeze it flat. Pop the toast. Spread jam thin. Say the word. Breakfast's in.
You are cordially invited to our house for an evening of food and fun on Saturday, July 12. We will serve lemonade. We will also provide chips, buns and condiments, but please bring your own meat or veggie patties to cook on the grill. Which of these can be inferred from this invitation? A. The hosts will be swimming since it is in July. B. The hosts prefer that people eat vegetarian patties. C. There will be hundreds of people present. D. There will be burger preparation at the party.
What is D. There will be burger preparation at the party.
The most important information that an author conveys to a reader is called what? A. Theme B. Order of Importance C. Main Idea D. Summary
What is C. Main Idea
What is the difference between mood and tone?
What is Tone is how the author feels; mood is how the reader feels; the overall atmosphere
Plays and narratives share all of the following except: A. Conflict B. Characters C. Dialogue D. Stage Directions
What is D. Stage Directions
“I love you like a fat kid loves cake” is a crass example by 50 Cent of what type of poetic element? A. Metaphor B. Personification C. Simile D. End Rhyme
What is C. Simile
Tayshawn is in the eighth grade. He has always loved science, and lately he has become interested in biology. He thinks he may go to medical school one day and become a doctor. He would like to be a gerontologist, a doctor who attends aging patients. Which of these would be the best book to recommend to Tayshawn? A. A biography of a famous athlete B. A science fiction novel about a civilization of old people on earth in the year 2999 C. A book that presents the history of the United States military D. A book describing the most important medical discoveries of the twentieth century
What is D. A book describing the most important medical discoveries of the twentieth century
For 12 wonderful years, Cara had enjoyed her position as the youngest of five children, the baby of the family. But for the past nine months Cara had felt her special place slipping away as the family prepared for her oldest sister to give birth. Now, Cara's parents would become grandparents and there would be a new baby to fawn over, which had not happened since Cara was born. Cara worried that her mother would forget about her and spend all her time with the new baby. She was less than thrilled as she rode the elevator to the hospital's ninth floor. Which detail from the paragraph would be most important to include in a summary of the passage? A. Cara rode the hospital elevator with her parents. B. Cara would no longer be the baby in the family. C. There were five children born in Cara's family. D. It had been 12 years since Cara was born.
What is B. Cara would no longer be the baby in the family.
All of the following are tone words EXCEPT: A. Learning B. Annoyed C. Dramatic D. Persistent
What is A. Learning
Happy to finally have a job, Kanye didn’t mind working at McDonalds for meager pay. Meager means: A. A great amount B. Eager C. Very little D. A moderate amount
What is C. Very little
Name the poetic device used below: Your mama is so fat that when she sits down, earthquakes happen A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Imagery D. Hyperbole
What is D. Hyperbole
Belinda was delighted when her father drove past his favorite burger joint at lunch. At last he's getting the message about how his diet affects his health, she thought. But just a few minutes later, she was disappointed when he used his cell phone to order a pepperoni pizza to be delivered soon after they got home. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage above? A. Belinda's father drives a truck for a living. B. Driving and talking on a cell phone is dangerous. C. Belinda has a job at a fast-food business. D. Belinda thinks her father's diet is not healthy.
What is D. Belinda thinks her father's diet is not healthy.
1) In the early 1800s, boats, canals, and trains made it easier to head west. 2) After the War of 1812, many thousands of Americans moved beyond the Appalachians. 3) The Appalachians are not as tall as the Rockies. 4) More and more people came from Europe, too. 5) Some of these people had been poor and hungry in their old countries. 6) In America, they hoped to find land to farm and the chance for a better life. Which sentence does NOT support the main idea? A. 4 B. 6 C. 3 D. 2
What is C. 3
My best friend died last week in a car crash. She was the kindest person I have ever known, someone I will never forget. I miss her terribly. The tone in the passage is: A. Melancholy B. Angry C. Informative D. Alarming
What is A. Melancholy
School was closed due to adverse weather conditions. Which of the following means the same or about the same as adverse? A. Windy B. Slippery C. Difficult D. Snowy
What is C. Difficult
Which figure of speech is used below? “The engine coughed, roared violently for a second, and then died.” A. Metaphor B. Personification C. Onomatopoeia D. Simile
What is B. Personification
Lewis smiled to himself as he rode his bicycle along the empty city streets toward the park. Even though it was still early morning, the temperature was rising. This had been a hot summer. Lewis rode past the First State Bank and the post office, both closed today. He rode past the fire station and saw the firefighters shining the big red truck for the parade. Tonight there would be fireworks. Lewis's smile turned itself into a laugh. Of all the holidays, this was his favorite one. What holiday was it? A. Lewis's birthday B. the Fourth of July C. New Years D. Veteran's Day
What is B. the Fourth of July
Turn over a bag of potato chips. Is the label interesting? A simple food recipe may use several ingredients. These come from the soil and from chemistry labs around the world. Surprises also show up in the labels on clothing and other products. Look at the label on a package of lipstick. The tube seems small and shiny, but inside lipstick there is soap, oil, fish scales, and wax! Which is the best way to summarize this passage? A. Labels show what goes into food, clothing, and other products. A simple product may have many ingredients. B. A bag of potato chips seems like a simple recipe. There are many ingredients from the soil and from chemistry labs. C. Lipstick seems small and shiny. Look at the label sometime. It has at least four different ingredients. D. Clothes and other products have many ingredients as well. Lipstick alone has soap, oil, wax, and fish scales.
What is A. Labels show what goes into food, clothing, and other products. A simple product may have many ingredients.
If a persuasive text is effective, the tone will most likely be: A. Questioning B. Convincing C. Pleading D. Alarming
What is B. Convincing
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite. He was, however, a pacifist who felt bad about the destructive power that he created. He established the Nobel Prize as an award for outstanding achievement in physics, chemistry, medicine, peace, literature, and economics. Looking at the context, what is the definition of pacifist? A. a very famous scientist B. a cruel, violent person C. an inventor of explosives D. a person against violence
What is D. A person against violence
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary” is an example of: A. Onomatopoeia B. Hyperbole C. Personification D. Alliteration
What is D. Alliteration
The launch of the space shuttle Atlantis has been postponed while NASA evaluates a problem with the new robot arm on space station Alpha. The arm will be used to carry out the installation of a new U.S.-built airlock on the space station. What can you infer from this paragraph? A. The robot space arm is critical to the space shuttle's mission. B. The robot arm was poorly constructed. C. The space shuttle experiences frequent launch delays. D. The space program is very expensive.
What is A. The robot space arm is critical to the space shuttle's mission.
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was born at Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire, England. He was born prematurely, three months after the death of his father, a prosperous farmer. When Newton was three, his mother remarried and left him in the care of his grandmother. From the age of twelve until seventeen, Newton was educated at The King's School in Grantham. Later that year, his mother attempted to make a farmer out of young Newton. He hated farming. Instead, Newton completed his education as a top-ranked student. A few years later, Isaac Newton became one of the most important and respected scientists the world has ever seen. Which sentence best supports the paragraph? A. Many women tended to remarry after being widowed. B. Only Einstein could advance Isaac Newton's theories. C. Newton thought of many of his ideas at Woolsthorpe. D. Farming was important to the economy in the 1600s.
What is C. Newton thought of many of his ideas at Woolsthorpe.
When a bank was robbed recently by a Florida man, the police had no trouble tracking down their devious suspect. Rather than get caught with cash, the robber "cleverly" asked the teller to have the funds made out in the form of a check written to himself. Of course, the bank teller asked to see his driver's license, just to make sure she put the right name on the check. He pulled out his license and gave it to her! She smiled back and wrote the check in the amount he demanded, one hundred thousand dollars. An hour later the police picked him up as he was driving his car. After all, the bank robber had provided all the information they needed! What is the tone?? A. Amused B. Belligerent C. Serious D. Devious
What is A. Amused
Name at least FIVE test-taking strategies to help you on the test.
Answers may vary but include: *Take your time *Eliminate wrong answer choices *Use context clues *Go back to the passage *Double-check your answers *Look at other questions for hints *Get a good night's sleep