What are all the sisters names?
Jessica, Kirsten, Natalie, Angela
What is George's fiancé's name?
What is the name of Jad's company?
OnCue Construction
What hand does Carl write with?
What is Chris's dogs name?
Which sister has a long middle toe?
What does Anthony study at school?
What did Allen give Jad for Christmas this year?
a fish
What is Carl's favorite soda?
Dr. Pepper
How many siblings does Chris have?
Which two girls share a room together?
Natalie and Angela
What color are George and Anthony's car?
Grey and Blue
How many times a week does Jad play soccer?
What does carl always come to the Hishmeh's with?
What sport does Chris play?
What is the age gap between the youngest girl and the oldest girl?
7 year difference
What is the name of Anthony and Georges barber?
What is Jad's favorite football team?
What is Carls bad habit?
playing with his beard
What town does Chris live in?
New Milford
What is the average shoe size for the Hishmeh girls?
size 8
What two states did the Hishmeh boys visit in July 2024?
California and Arizona
What did Jad gift Jessica three Christmas's ago?
a ring!
What are the three races that Carl hates the most?
Example: Chinese people
jews, blacks, indians
Which two toes does Chris have bruised?
both big toes