Where do you find a weekly overview?
Where is in the SRG at the beginning of each Week's work.
It’s 9 o’clock at night and our internet just came on. We still want to get some work done. Where would we get help this late?
What is from the free online tutoring website?
My car breaks down and I can't get my student to their session
What is on the city bus or with a trusted family friend?
The center hours
Monday, 10:30am-4:00pm
Tuesday-Friday, 8:30am-4:00pm
Mojave River Academy
How do you know when things are due?
What is there are due dates in the srg?
Who can I get additional support from outside of the designated hour with the teacher?
Who are the tutors, counselor, and the online tutoring service?
My student can’t make their appointment
What is call your student's teacher and try to schedule a makeup appointment?
Look here to find out if the center is open today
Check the calendar on the Parent Website, check the SRG, check the MRA district calendar
Student Resource Guide
How often should you check your students' work?
My student is struggling with getting organized. Who can I ask for help?
Who are my student's teacher and/or counselor?
My student woke up a little late, but you wanted to make sure they ate a big breakfast and now we are running 10 minutes late
What is call or text my student's teacher and let them know?
When do I bring my student to the center?
Scheduled weekly appt, scheduled math class, scheduled tutoring sessions
Learning Period