There are two ways to create PTC Schedule Slot (not including the copy button);
1) Using the PTC Import
2) Using the Create a Conference Button on the PTC homepage
Feature; Schools have requested the ability to set criteria for the PTC slots and then have the system automatically create them (#139219) but at this time these are the only methods
If a parent reserves a time for parent-teacher conferences, can they cancel their reservation in the Portal?
There is a Parent Teacher Conference Status parameter that can be configured so that parents can make a reservation and go back and cancel it. You can change this parameter from the System Homepage, the System Parameters query and change the Parameter: Parent Teacher Conference Status to 2, which would allow folks to change their reservation after clicking submit.
On the Class Record, what status(es) can the record be set to and still show on the portal?
Only classes with the status of Active will appear for PTC sign-ups.
What do the start and end reference date parameters control? A) when parents are able to access the PTC screen in the portal or B) the events that parents are able to sign up for
The start and end reference date parameters define the set of parent/teacher conference events that are included in the current PTC session. Events occurring outside of this timeframe will NOT be available for signups in the portal.
Can you alter the document layouts for the Conference Schedule Documents used by Parents and Teachers? True or False?
True; you can navigate to the PTC homepage and click the "Manage Layout" links for the Teacher and Parent view respectively.
On the PTC Schedule slot record, there is a flag you can turn on to allow multiple households with different children to sign up for the same PTC slot.
Enhancement; (#310054) The PTC module is student-specific so, while you can manually add multiple parents to the record it is not recommended.
Can unscheduled Parent Teacher Conferences be made available on the Teacher Conference Schedule document?
Yes! Utilize the 'Show Not Scheduled Conference Times?' parameter under the 'Configurations' tab on the Document Layout.
What course type(s) can the course record be set to and have the classes still appear on the portal?
Everything except "Non-Academic"
Is there a Standard Merge Field for the PTC Module? True or False?
False; there is a portal shortcut, {system:teacher_conference_schedule}, but it can only be added to your teacher/employment portals as a button or hyperlink.
The school wants to prevent middle schooler's from signing up for the PTC module the same time as lower school. Can we exclude school levels from signing up? True or False?
False; you can however navigate to the PTC homepage, click the Grade levels tile, and then exclude all the grade levels in middle school. This is broadest way to exclude students from PTC eligibility
In the PTC Importer, you can click the "Show" link before clicking the Import button to specify how the system should handle any duplicate rows in the CSV file.
Feature; You have three options:
1) Allow duplicates to be inserted
2) Automatically eliminate duplicates
3) Fail on duplicates
How do I close Parent Teacher Conference signups while allowing parents to download the PDF of their conference schedule?
Batch update the "Locked?" flag on all conference slots you wish to prevent parents from changing.
What School Level does the Conference Event record for the Teacher need to be set to?
Either the "All School" level or to match the School Level of the student(s), whichever is more appropriate.
Where can you add the Portal Shortcut: {system:teacher_conference_schedule}? A) Component Screens; B) Content Screens or C) Both
Component Screens; portal shortcut links will only work as expected if used on a portal component screen.
It is required to 'Lock' the Parent Teacher Conference Slots before publishing? True or False?
False; Locking a conference slot prevents a parent from removing or changing their slot selection in the portal. You can see all of the Locked slots using the Locked tile on the PTC homepage
There is a "Beta_Tester" security role to allow parents with the role to sign up. All other roles will have no access to the screen.
Feature; this is controlled with the Access Status field on the Portal Configuration tile. The other visibility options include; Enabled, Read-Only, and Disabled.
Can you assign multiple teachers to the same Parent/Teacher Conference?
Parent/Teacher Conference records can only be assigned with one teacher at a time.
If the student's name changes after the conference is scheduled, will the PTC's still appear on the portal?
No, the Student and Notes field on the PTC record should be "{Preferred/First name} {Last Name}: {Student id}. If any of those values change after the record is scheduled, then the school will need to manually correct them.
How can split households sign up for the same PTC slot? A) As is, assuming that the PTC record has record set to 2 or more households, or B) the school can manually add the parents to the slot
Currently only one household can sign up for a single parent teacher conference slot. Parent teacher conference slots are currently student-centric and not household-centric. If split households need to attend the exact same meeting then the parents need to decide on what times work best for them and communicate it to the school.
The 'Conflicts' tile on the PTC homepage shows all of the time slots when parents book two or more time slots with the exact same time. True or False?
False; the query displays conflicts where a teacher who is also a parent has signed up for a PTC at the same time as one of their own faculty conference slots.
There is a field on the Portal Config called "Student Portal" which when enabled automatically adds the students upon sign-up so that they appear on the student's portal calendar.
Enhancement; (#151089) school's need to manually add students to an entity event record if they want the event to show on the calendar
Why won't a substitute teacher appear as a Parent Teacher Conference option in the Parent Portal?
Only individuals who have the role of 'Primary Teacher' will appear as selectable options for Parent/Teacher Conferences on the Parent Portal.
If the Date Withdrawn field on a class enrollment record is set for the future, will that affect conferences for that class?
Yes, if a student's enrollment record for a class has any value populated in the Date Withdrawn field then the conference will not show.
How can you test PTC without parents seeing the button/link? A) Apply Display Filtering to the button so that only certain people can see it B) Set the Access Status to Beta Testers Only so that only parents with the same role will be able to sign up C) Both are valid options
Only "A" is correct; you can set the access status to Beta Testers Only, but that determines who has access to sign up for time. It doesn't control if they can see the button/link.
The Invalid tile only shows the PTC registrations that failed. Invalid schedule conferences will also be displayed to parents in the portal or on their conference schedule document. True or false?
False; the Invalid tile on the PTC homepage does show all the registrations that failed. You can go into the query to determine the error. However, the schedule conferences will NOT be displayed to parents in the portal or their schedule document.