Scriptures for Faith
Your Response
Info for Faith and Resources
Parents Actions
Youth Actions

"But Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone who demands of you a reason for the hope you have, but doing so with a mild temper and deep respect"

2 Peter 3:15


“I believe only what I can see, and I have never seen God.”

“Imagine that you are walking through a forest far from any human activity and you come upon a functioning well. What would you conclude? If the presence of a well gives clear evidence of intelligent life having made it, how much more so does the existence of the universe!”


 In the past, some Bible critics claimed that this city never existed. But by the 1850’s, the ruins of the city were unearthed, proving the Bible’s account to be accurate. (Zeph. 2:13-15)

What is Nineveh?


Looking at the Fibonacci sequence and other patterns in the natural world is an example of this.

Encouraging your child to think about the natural world.

1 John 5:3, “Knowing that Jehovah is such a good Friend, how should we view what he tells us to do?”

What is Not a Burden.


"Make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine."

1 Thess 5:21


You don't believe in Jesus!

Pick a scripture and response. Judges Discretion


God’s personal name appears on this 3,000-year-old slab of stone. The original Stone is on display in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. Also, a replica is on display at “The Bible and the Divine Name” exhibit located at the World Headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Warwick, New York.

What is the Moabite Stone?


Drawing a child out by using viewpoint questions and illustrations that are found int he Enjoy Life Forever! Book (e.g. "Knowing that Jehovah is such a good friend, how should we view what he tells us to do?") is an example of this.

Encouraging your child to treasure his personal relationship with Jehovah.


When evolution comes up, study of this brochure can help.

What is The Origin of Life—Five Questions Worth Asking


"And stop being molded by this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, so that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

Rom 12:2


Many scientists understand that life did not do this. They perceive intelligent and obvious design in the complexity of life.

What is Appear spontaneously or by chance. (Big Bang / Evolution)


Each snowflake is formed according to this geometric patterns. These patterns are also found in other things in nature.

What is a Fractal?

Talking about how Bible principles have work in your family, (e.g. honesty and diligence) and promote emotional and physical health is an example of this.

Discussing how applying Bible principles benefits us.


When evolution comes up, study of this video series can help.

What is the video series Viewpoints on the Origin of Life?


This is what Jehovah says, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “I, Jehovah, am your God, The One teaching you to benefit yourself, The One guiding you in the way you should walk. If only you would pay attention to my commandments! Then your peace would become just like a river And your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

What is Isaiah 48:17,18?


“Did you know that engineers often copy designs from nature? Let me show you a fascinating video.” After sharing a video from the series Was It Designed? he might say:

What is “If a scientist gets credit for a design that already exists in nature, who deserves credit for the original?”


Some may view questions about Bible based beliefs as a step backward regarding a child's faith. In reality, however, growing children need to ask questions in order to do this. form their own convictions.

What is Form their own convictions?


Looking into school reading requirements and having your child analyze how following Bible principles would have impacted the outcome for the characters in the book is an example of?

Train you child to apply Bible principles


In the last image from the WT, A young Witness shows a schoolmate who is interested in drones a video from the series Was It Designed?. This image shows drone technology mimicing this insect.

What is a Bumble Bee?


First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires

1 Perter 3:3

You people won't fight for our country!

Judges discretion:


When your child asks questions, take the opportunity to show him how to find the answers by using these research tools.

What is the Watch Tower Publications Index and the Research Guide for Jehovah’s Witnesses.


Parents should do this with thier children daily.

What is Pray?


efforts to talk about faith can be compared with the efforts needed to play a musical instrument. You need practice. Practicing will be demonstrated by this action.

Looking for opportunities to share Bible truth with others. (Rom. 10:10)
