when is parker’s birthday
june 15th
i don’t have one!
what is the thing i do when i’m tired but is also a escape from reality
what am i allergic too?
what type of music do i listen to
i listen to everything
what pride flags are in my room?
who have i been friends with the longest in this friend group
what is one game that i play on my nintendo switch besides minecraft
mario kart
super smash
what type of food do i not like
what artist have ive been listening to recently
bo burnham
what is my moms name
what is a friendship i cut off recently
my friend logan and i’s frienship
how many times do i go outside
at least once a day
what time do i usually eat
11am - 1pm
what band groups do i listen too (you have to say at least 3 of them)
twenty one pilots
love joy
mother mother
5 second of summer
falling in reverse
one direction
what time do i usually go to bed?
how many in real life friends do i have
what is some thing that I will never grow out of
anime or musicals or minecraft
what is a fruit i hate
what music do i prefer listening to nowadays with all the new music
nostalgic music
what is a game i die in a lot
what is my relationship with my dad
what is one thing i’m interested in that no one else is (name at least one)
bojack horseman
total drama
fried or baked
what is one musical that i like