what is parker’s middle name
what is parker’s favorite color
cats and cinnamon
what age did parker’s parents divorce and why
3 years old, dad cheated
what grade/year did parker start marching
8th grade/2021
true or false:
parker LOVES sweets
favorite movie genre
rom coms
which redbull flavor do i prefer
what is the name of the guard girl that groomed him during 8th grade
grace burnett
what is parker’s favorite piece of equipment
what is parker’s GPA
what is his favorite sport
biggest dream job of all time
actor, f1 driver, or pilot
what ear is parker 85% deaf in and why
left ear because he had to get a rock surgically removed
including mini spinners, how many years has parker been around guard in general
what sports has parker played (list ATLEAST 3 of the mentioned sports for points)
soccer, ice hockey, football, volleyball, colorguard, pickleball, badminton, golf, tennis, track, swimming, archery.
favorite flower
lotus flower
what side do i prefer the clasp of my necklaces on
what age did parker have a heartattack
favorite dci show of all time
what are parker’s biological parent’s names
Doan and Linh
favorite music artists
(list ATLEAST 7 solo artists or 3 bands)
solo artists:
taylor swift, tyler the creator, drake, frank ocean, zach bryan, laufey, gracie abrams, chappell roan, A$AP rocky, 21 savage, peso pluma, bad bunny, ariana grande, billie eilish, brent faiyaz, bruno mars, bryson tiller, childish gambino, conan gray, daniel ceaser, eminem, faye webster, hozier, keshi, kendrick lamar, kali uchis, j.cole, lana del ray, post malone, olivia rodrigo, the weeknd, phoebe bridgers, NIKI, noah kahan.
chase atlantic, pierce the veil, 1D, sundial, wave to earth, the internet, destiny’s child, CAS, the driver era, the 1975, the backseat lovers.
how many biological sibling(s) does parker have
1 half brother
how many people that parker has been close to have died within his lifetime
who was parker’s first guard role model ever
tobi donaldson