Who host the morning anounce ments
Dr Campbell
Name the full name of parkmoor
parkmoor elementry school
Who is the princable
Dc Campbell
Who give the words of the week
Ms West
What st(s) are parkmoor located.
Penworth and riverbirch
Parkmoor way
Be prepared be safe be proactive be on time be a problem solever
Parkmoor pledge
We the sudents of parkmoor elementry school promise to work to gether with our teachers and our familys to keep our school a safe and peacful place for learning.We will care for each other and remember that hands and words are for helping not for hurting.
Name all the Habbits in order
1.Be proactive
2.Begin with the end of mind
3.Put first things first
4.Think win win
5.Seek first to understand then to be understood
7.Sharpen the saw
When did parkmoor open