Which days is pickleball indoors at Olive?
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
When is the deadline to request a refund for a 8 week class?
1 business day before first class meeting
What is the name of the app where a patron can report graffiti?
311 app
Verdugo Pool
What do you send you at the end of your closing shift?
Closing email to the site supervisor and Alex.
What is the first step you take when witnessing a fist fight happen during open gym basketball?
Call Burbank PD
When is the deadline to request a refund for a mini session class?
5 business days before first class meeting
Which two animals can be considered service animals?
Dogs and miniature horses
Inside the McCambridge Recreation Center in the lobby
When are timesheets due?
Thursday during the pay week/payday
Which Facility opens the earliest during the week?
Verdugo Aquatic Facility
How many days can a Burbank resident register before non-resident for classes?
7 Days/1 Week
What is the name of Burbank's subsidy program?
Nature Center
What do you setup during the closing shift at the Jocelyn Adult Center on Thursday nights?
Ballroom dance.
Which rec center/community center does not have an indoor Basketball court?
Ovrom Community Center
When does Winter 2025 registration open up for Burbank residents?
December 3rd 9am
Who has the city contracted to work security to close gates at park facilities?
Allied Security
George Izay Park near ballfield 1
What must be taken down before it gets dark?
The flags!
Which rec center just got a new kitchen?
Olive Recreation Center
When does Winter 2025 classes start?
Monday January 1st
What does PASS stand for?
Ovrom Community Center outside the A/B room
What do you refer to when a tree falls down in the park on a Saturday at 11:00 am? (Hint: Roster)
Emergency Call Out Roster