Doctrinal Mastery 1
Doctrinal Mastery II
Book of Mormon for Today

And he shall go forth, suffering pains and affrications and temptations of every kind.

What is Alma 7:11-13?


Charity is the pure love of Christ

What is Moroni 7:45-48?


Who led the 2,000 stripling warriors?

 a) Moroni b) Teancum c) Helaman d) Pahoran

c) Helaman (Alma 53:20-22) 


Who was appointed chief judge and high priest after Helaman passed away?

a) Pahoran b) Moroni c) Samuel the Lamanite d) Nephi, his eldest son

d? Nephi, his eldest son (Helaman 3:37)


A prophet's message is not his own.  It comes from the ______.

What is the Lord?


There must be an atonement made.,,,an infinite and eternal sacrifice.

What is Alma 34:9-10?


Ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ...and by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.

What is Moroni 10:45?


What was the remarkable outcome of the battles fought by the 2,000 stripling warriors?

a) They lost many men b) They all survived, though wounded c) They retreated after heavy losses d) They captured the Lamanite king

 b) They all survived, though wounded (Alma 57:25-26)


What group caused great wickedness among the people?

a) The Zoramites b) The Gadianton robbers c) The Ammonites d) The Jaredites  

Answer: b) The Gadianton robbers (Helaman 6:18)


If we build our foundation on Jesus Christ, the _____will have no power over us.

What is the devil?

Wickedness never was happiness

What is Alma 41:10?


Which doctrinal mastery passage could help this person?

A group of teenagers recently started being rude to many of their peers at school.

Describe an applicable doctrinal mastery passage.

What did Moroni condemn the Nephite government for?

a) Increasing taxes b) Betraying the Lamanites c) Neglecting the army and the country's defense d) Stealing the treasury

c) Neglecting the army and the country's defense (Alma 60:6-7)


What did Samuel the Lamanite prophesy?

a) The destruction of the Nephites b) The coming of Jesus Christ and signs of His birth c) The conversion of the Lamanites d) A great famine

b) The coming of Jesus Christ and signs of His birth (Helaman 14:1-5)


Explain the role of prophets

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It is upon the ____of our Redeemer...that ye must build your _______ (Helaman 5:12)

What is rock and foundation?


"_________ momentum can help us withstand the relentless, wicked attacks of the adversary and thwart his efforts to erode our personal spiritual foundation" (Russell M. Nelson, Liahona, May 2022)

What is spiritual?


Who were the people of Ammon?

a) Former Lamanites who made a covenant not to fight b) Nephite merchants c) Leaders of the Nephite armies d) A family of Nephite priests Answer: a) Former Lamanites who made a covenant not to fight

a) Former Lamanites who made a covenant not to fight (Alma 53:10-12


What happened to the people soon after the signs of Christ’s birth?

a) They became more faithful b) They were confused and left the land c) They began to harden their hearts and disbelieve d) They sought Samuel the Lamanite for guidance

c) They began to harden their hearts and disbelieve (3 Nephi 2:1-2


If we choose to remember the Lord, humble ourselves, and repent, we can avoid ______ and its consequences

What is pride?


If men come unto me...then will I make ____things become _____ unto them. (Ether 12:6)

What is weak and strong?


Choose a doctrinal mastery passage and describe how you have applied it or can apply it to your life?

Describe application of doctrinal mastery passage


What was the final outcome of the Nephite battles against the Lamanites led by Moroni?

 a) The Nephites were defeated b) The Nephites were captured c) The Nephites drove the Lamanites out of their land d) The Nephites abandoned their land

c) The Nephites drove the Lamanites out of their land


Who led the Gadianton robbers in their war against the Nephites?

a) Gidgiddoni b) Ammoron c) Giddianhi d) Zemnarihah  

c) Giddianhi (3 Nephi 4:11-13)

What would your life be like without the book of Mormon?

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