You are chairing FIFA at LSCMUN right when everyone is seated, what should you do?
Take roll call
After commitee session, a delagate came up to Grahm and said that his bill was dumb. What should he do?
By the rules: nothing
Although we are sure he will win an award and show that kid!
Someone proposes a motion at NUMUN and you want to amend the time. What do you say?
Motion to amend
You are Delfi and have a tiny bladder. What do you do if you must use the bathroom?
Point of personal privilege.
Andres is unsure whether he has won an award, what should he do?
Jack wants to yield his time to Paulo because they are working on a paper together and Jack doesn't know what the paper is about and wants Paulo to get support from the committee. What should he do?
Go up and yield his time to Paulo
Paulo has just finished his speech with 30 seconds left (It was only 45 seconds). What does he say to end it?
I yield my time to the chair
When Shiv goes to his committee session, he notices his seat is in the back corner. What should he do?
Shiv should ask the chairs if he can move closer because you want to be seen and get called on.
Ms. Sjekloka just finished her paper and turned it in first. She should motion for a..
Presentation and Voting to be in order submitted
Thomas attempts to establish himself early in the conference, he is called on for the first motion. What should the motion generally be?
Bonus Points, Should he speak first or last?
Motion to open the speakers list on..
Thomas should speak last.
Kai has just finished his speech and said a fact that was wrong. How should you point this out to get attention and receive favorable looks from the chairs?
Point of information or you can make a point of it in your next speech
On the resolution you need __ and you want to be a ___ on the paper
On the resolution, you need signatories and you want to be a Sponsor on the paper
You are a LSCMUN chair and someone says "Motion for a 9/40" on topic B. What is wrong?
Nine minutes does not get divided by 40 seconds. Can't have 13.5 speakers
It is Timothy's first motion of the conference. What should his motion focus on?
It should be broad and focus on something everyone should be prepared to talk about. This way it will get passed.
LSCMUN is over, and it was an even better conference than the year before, what should you say to conclude it?
Motion to end debate