Describe the SDCs of Previous Questions as it refers to:

1)  Debating

2)  Amend

3)  Vote

4)  Precedence over priviliged motions

1)  Undebatable

2)  Unamendable

3)  2/3 

4)  Yields to all privileged motions 


Describe SDCs of the motion Lay on the Table as it relates to:

1) Debate

2) Amend

3) Vote


1) Undebatable

2) Unamendable

3) Majority

RR pg. 210-212

tinted 18, 19

Q.C. pg. 44


Describe the SDCs for the motion to Call for the Order of the Day

1) Debate

2) Amend

3) Reconsider

4) Vote

5) Second

1) Undebatable

2) Unamendable

3) Cannot be reconsidered

4) No vote

5) Does not require 2nd 

RR pg. 221

tinted 20, 21

Q.C. pg. 41


Describe SDCs of the motion Raise a Question of Privilege

1) Debate

2) Amend

3) Reconsider

4) Vote

5) Second 

1) Undebatable, unless allowed as Main Motion

2) Unamendable

3) Cannot be reconsidered

4) No vote - chair rules on

5) Does not require a 2nd, unless Main Motion

RR pg. 226

tinted 22, 23

Q.C. pg. 38


Describe SDCs of the motion to Recess that relate to: 

1) Debate

2) Amend

3) Reconsider

4) Vote

1) Undebatable

2) Amendable 

3) Cannot be reconsidered

4) Majority

RR pg. 231

tinted 24 -25

Q.C. pg. 35


1) What are 2 purposes of the motion Previous Question?

2) If it is made in the unqualified form, what does this mean?

1) To close debate


To prevent making subsidiary motions except to Lay on the Table

2) It means that it is applied only to the immediately pending question


Name three classes of motions that the subsidiary motion to Lay on the Table takes precedence over. 

1) Main motion

2) All other subsidiary motions 

3) Incidental motions that are pending when it is proposed.

RR pg. 210

Q.C. pg. 44


1) What is the purpose of Call for the Orders of the Day?

2) What class of motion does this belong to?

3) How can the assembly deny that the orders of the day not be taken up?

1) To require that business be taken up in order

2) Privileged

3) 2/3 of assembly can vote against bringing it up

RR pg. 219

Q.C. pg. 41


Name 3 debatable subsidiary motions that take precedence over the motion to Raise a Question of Privilege.

There are none

RR pg. 

tinted 4

Q.C. pg. 38


Name 3 purposes for which the motion to recess may be called.

1) To obtain information

2) To count ballots

3) For informal consultation

4) To take steps to obtain quorum 

RR pg. 

Q.C. pg.


1) Is Previous Question allowed in committees?

2) What effect does an order for the Previous Question have on making privileged and incidental motions?

1) No

2) It does not prevent the making privileged and incidental motions


1) What is the meaning of "renewing" the motion to Lay on the Table?

2) Name 2 circumstances when it is allowed to renew this motion if it has not been adopted.

1) To lay the motion to Lay on the Table again

2) After there is progress in business or debate 


If there is an urgent matter that needs to be considered

RR pg. 213

QC pg. 45


If a question of privilege is ruled adversely by the chair, explain under what circumstances can that or another motion to Raise a Question of Privilege be renewed?

1) The same motion to Raise a Question of Privilege cannot be renewed at the same session.

2) The same motion to Raise a Question of Privilege can be renewed at a subsequent session

3) A different motion to Raise a Question of Privilege can be made during the same session as long as it is for a different purpose.

RR pg. 338-339

QC pg. 39


1) What is the purpose of a Raise Question of Privilege? 

2) Can the chairs response to the Raise Question be appealed?

3) Which privileged motion does Raise Question have rank over?

1) To allow a member to immediately bring up a matter for consideration related to the rights & privileges of a single member of the assembly.

2) Yes

3) Call for the Orders of the Day

RR pg. 224-225

tinted 4

Q.C. pg. 38


Name 3 undebatable subsidiary motions that the motion recess takes precedence over.

1) Lay on the Table

2) Previous Question

3) Limit/Extend Limits of Debate

RR pg. 231

tinted 4

Q.C. pg. 35


Name 2 forms of wording used to make the subsidiary motion Previous Question in a qualified form.

Example:  "I move (or "demand" or "call for" the previous question on the motion to commit and the amendment."


Name 2 motions that bring a question again before the assembly that can have the motion to Lay on the Table applied to it

1) Reconsider

2) Rescind

3) Amend something previously adopted (this motion is not an FFA permissible motion, but may be used as an answer)

4) Discharge a Committee (this motion is not an FFA permissible motion, but may be used as an answer)

RR pg. 319, 305, 311

QC pg. 46


1) Under what circumstances does a Call for Orders of the Day yield to a motion to suspend the rules?

2) Can a member "demand" the orders of the day for a "specified" order of the day?

3) Explain your answer to #2

1) When the rule proposed to suspend deals with the priority of business

2) No

3) The call must simply be "for the orders of the day".  This motion is only a demand that the proper schedule of business-whatever it is-be followed.  The member can, if necessary, remind the Chair of the matter set for that time.

RR pg. 220, 224

Q.C. pg. 42


Name 3 examples of questions of privilege that relate to the assembly.

1) comfort of assembly

2) conduct of officers, employees, or visitors

3) punishment of officers

4) accuracy of proceeding reports

5) a motion to go into executive session


1) What motions can the motion to Recess be applied to?

2) Name 2 motions that can be applied to the motion to Recess.

1) None

2) Amend & Previous Question

RR pg. 

Q.C. pg.


The vote on a motion for the Previous Question can be considered but only for a short time interval.  Explain this time interval for:

1) An affirmative vote on the Previous Question

2) A negative vote on the Previous Question

1) The affirmative vote can be reconsidered only before any vote has been taken under the order.

2) The negative vote can be reconsidered only until such a time that the material progress in business or debate allows it to be renewed.

RR pg. 201

QC pg. 50


1) If a motion is not taken from the table within the prescribed time period, what happens to the Main Motion? 

2) After the Main Motion has died due to expiration, can the motion be renewed?

3) Can a Main Motion be renewed at a subsequent session, while the same or a similar motion remains on the table? Explain your answer. 

1) It dies

2) Yes, each subsequent session is free to consider

3) No, because the motion remains in the control of the assembly.

RR pg. 302, 337, 214

QC pg. 47


According to Roberts Rules of Order, there are 3 instances when a Call for the Orders of the Day is in order.  Two of them cannot interrupt PENDING business and one of them can interrupt pending business.

Name all 3 and indicate which can interrupt pending business and which cannot.

1) When the agenda, program, or order of business is being varied from.  This cannot interrupt pending business.

2) When a general order, in order at the time, is not being taken up.  This cannot interrupt pending business.

3) When the time for considering a special order has arrived or passed and it is not being taken up.  This can interrupt pending business.

RR pg. 220-222

Q.C. pg. 42


What is the difference between the device to Raise a Question of Privilege and the question of privilege itself?

Raising a Question of Privilege allows the chair to decide whether to request or main motion will be admitted at the prioity of a privileged motion.  The questions of privilege itself is a request or a main motion.  After having been admitted, it has the same rank and SDCs as a main motion or a simple request.

RR pg. 225

Q.C. pg. 40


When can the the motion to Recess be renewed?

After material progress in debate or business such as an important decision or speech

RR pg. 340

QC 36
