starting motions
middle motions
ending motions
points +

the phrases you have to say to do something (hint, rhymes with ocean)

what is a motion?


This motion adds you to the list of speakers. Note that the chair may cut off Speaker’s List any time they want to, so don’t get offended if they do. 

what is a motion to be added to the speaker's list?


This motion allows more time for debate on the topic of the mod. An extension happens when more delegates wish to speak on the topic. 

what is a motion to extend the moderated caucus by X minutes?


If you have extra time remaining after your speech, you can give it to the chair by doing this. 

what is yielding the rest of your time to the chair?


Delegates often use this motion to use the restroom/ get water.

what is a point of personal privilege?  


Formally means the organization you are in for a conference, but often used as a replacement for “meeting”

what is a committee?

This motion opens up Speaker’s List, which is a great way to learn about the positions of other countries. If you motion for this, the chair will usually ask if you would like to speak first. (Say yes) 

what is a motion to set the speaker's list?


This motion gives more time to unmods. If your group is not done writing the resolution, this motion would give your group a chance to finish.

what is a motion to extend the unmoderated caucus for X minutes?


If you have extra time remaining after your speech, you can use it to answer questions by doing this. 

what is yielding your time to questions?


Use this to point out any incorrect usage of parli pro.

what is a point of order?


This is what you call the people who are facilitating/leading committees

what is a chair?


This motion allows you to voice your response to the previous speech. 

what is a motion to comment on the previous speech?


Once everyone’s position has been heard and debate is nearly finished, resolution writing takes place. Resolution writing always happens during a certain type of caucus. motion to start that caucus!

what is a motion for an unmoderated caucus for X minutes?


the motion to go get lunch

what is the motion to suspend debate?


Use this if you have any questions about parli pro.

what is a point of inquiry?


the little slips of paper you send to other delegates asking about their position on an issue, whether they support your resolution, whether they’ll be your ally, etc

what is a note?


This is typically done AFTER roll call. This motion is required to formally start committee and passes with a simple majority. 

what is a motion to open debate?


If you feel that your committee is done with writing all their resolutions and ready to vote on the resolutions, this motion formally opens voting bloc.

what is the motion to move into voting bloc?


the motion to head home

what is the motion to close debate?


It is the right to ask a question to another delegate. It is used only when the rules permit it, namely only during formal debate when a delegate yields their remaining time to questions.

what is a point of information?


all the people running the committee as a single entity

what is a dias?


You're basically choose what to discuss. Committees will usually have more than one topic, and delegates may wish to debate the topics in an order different than the one set by the chairs. The first motion to pass with a simple majority sets the agenda for the rest of the committee. 

what is a motion to set the agenda?


a motion to start a moderate caucus - hint: there are THREE key things you need to include!

what is a motion for a moderated caucus on the topic of XYZ for X minutes with X minutes speaking time?


Once the committee is done voting, you must motion for this before reopening debate. 

what is the motion to move out of voting block?


If someone attacks you or your country personally, you may exercise this right and the chair will grant you 30 seconds to speak.

what is the right of reply?
