The Chair

Are points of order included in the minutes?



Name three debatable subsidiary motions that the subsidiary motion to Postpone to a Certain Time takes precedence over.

1) Commit or Refer

2) Amend

3)Postpone Indefinitely


If thirty members at a meeting cast a vote on the privileged motion to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn, what would be the minimum number that would have to vote in the affirmative to adopt it?



Explain the rules for the subsidiary motion to Postpone to a Certain Time that relate to:

1)    Seconding

2)    Debating

3)    Amending

1)    Must be seconded

2)    Debatable

3)    Amendable as the time to which the main     question is to be postponed and making the postponed question a special order.


The motion to Reconsider can be made only by a member who voted with the prevailing side. Explain what this means.

A motion to Reconsider can be moved only by a member of the assembly who voted aye if the motion involved was adopted, or no if the motion was lost.


Your question has two parts:

1) What is the purpose of the motion to Withdraw a Motion?

2) Is debatable?

1)  To withdraw a motion before it is voted on.

2) No.


1)    Is the motion to Reconsider our of order when another member has the floor?

2)    Is the motion to Reconsider amendable?

1)    In order when another member has been assigned the floor, but not after he/she has begun to speak.

2)    No


Your question has two parts:

1) Can the privileged device to Raise a Question of Privilege be made when another member has the floor?

2) Can any subsidiary motion be applied to it?

1) Yes. However, a member who is speaking should not be interrupted, unless it is unavoidable.

2) No


1) Is the motion to Withdraw a Motion in order when another member has the floor?

2) If a member wishes to withdraw his/her motion, when must it be done without requiring permission of the assembly?

1) Yes, if it requires immediate attention.

2) Before the chair states the motion. Permission is required of the assembly after the motion to which it pertains has been stated by the chair.


Your questions refer to the motion, Suspend the Rules. 

1)  Are there any rules that require a majority vote in order to be suspended?

2)  If so, what is the name of these rules?

1)  Yes

2)  Standing Rules


Your question has two parts:

1) When can a Division of the Assembly be made?

2) Is a second required?

1)  To withdraw a motion before it is voted on.

2) No.


Your question has two parts:

1) Is the subsidiary motion to Postpone to a Certain Time debatable?

2) Can debate go into the merits of the Main Motion it is applied to?

1)  Yes

2)  No


Name two privileged motions that the privileged motion to Recess takes precedence over.

1)  Raise a Question of Privilege

2)  Call for the Orders of the Day


Assume a member call for a Division of the Assembly at your FFA Chapter  meeting  immediately after the negative voice votes are cast by the assembly.  Another member rises to a point of order and states that “a Division can only be called after the chair announces the results of the vote.”  As the chair, what ruling would you make on the Point of Order?

The chair would rule that “the point of order is not well taken.  A Division of the Assembly (a Division) can be called for immediately after the negative votes have been cast by the assembly.”


1)  If the subsidiary motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate out of order when another member has the floor?

2)  Must it be seconded?

3)  Is it debatable?

1)  Yes

2)  Yes

3)  No


Your question has two parts:

1) When can a Division of the Assembly be made?

2) Is a second required?

1) From the moment the negative votes have been cast until the chair has stated the question on another motion.

2) No


Name three privileged motions that cannot be amended.

1)  Adjourn

2) Raise a Question of Privilege

3) Call for the Orders of the Day


Name three privileged motions that take precedence over the privileged motion to Call for the Orders of the Day

1.  Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

2.  Adjourn

3.  Recess

4.  Raise a Question of Privilege


If a member wishes to withdraw his/her motion, when must it be done without requiring permission of the assembly?

Before the chair states the motion.  Permission is required of the assembly after the motion to which it pertains has been stated by the chair


Which of the following motions can be amended?

1)  The privileged motion to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn

2)  The subsidiary motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate

3)  The privileged motion to Recess

1)  Yes

2)  Yes

3)  Yes


Assume that after the chair announces the results of a Division of the Assembly, you want the cote to be counted.  Explain in detail how it would be done.

After the chair has announced the results, a member can rise, address the chair, wait to be recognized, and move that “the vote be counted.”  This motion must be seconded and the chair then puts it to a vote.  A majority vote is required for the motion to be adopted and the vote to be counted.


What is the only vote the the motion to Postpone Indefinitely can be applied to?

Main Motion


Name all 5 Privileged Motions

1)    Fix Time to Which to Adjourn

2)    Adjourn

3)    Recess

4)    Question of Privilege

5)    Call for Orders of the Day


Assume you are the chairman at a meeting and a member calls for a Division of the Assembly when it is clear that the assembly voted unanimously for a Main Motion. What action would you take?

When a member calls for a Division when it is obvious which side has a majority, it is a dilatory motion and the chair should rule it out of order


Your question has two parts:  

1)  What vote is required to adopt the Previous Question? 

2)  What is the latest that a member can change his/her vote on a motion?

1)   Two Thirds

2)  Up to the time the result is announced
