Basic Parliammentary Practices
Appeal from the Decision of the Chair
What is the purpose of presenting a motion?
The purpose of presenting a motion is to present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter.
What is the purpose of the motion to reconsider?
To permit the reconsidering of a vote previously taken on a motion and to agin consider the question.
How may nominations be made?
Nominations may be made by a committee or from the floor member.
What is the purpose of an appeal?
The purpose of an appeal is to obtain a decision from the chapter to a question on which the presiding officer has made a decision.
Who may call committee meetings?
The chair of a commitee is usually responsible for calling the committee meetings,but may be called by any two of its members.
What steps must be completed to presnt an item of business?
1.Recieve Recognition 2.Present the motion 3.Second the motion 4.State the question 5.Vote
Which members are eligible to offer the motion to reconsider?
The motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted on the prevailing side, unless the vote was by ballot.
How may nominations be closed? Reopened?
Nominations may be closed by a two-thirds vote or by unanimous(general) consent. Nominations may be reopened by a majority vote.
What happens if the vote on an appeal results in a tie?
If teh vote to appeal is a tie the chair is sustained.
What is the purpose to suspend standing rules?
The purpose to suspend standing rules is to permit the chapter to do something that cannot be done without violating its standing rules.
What is the proper terminology to use when putting the question?
"It is moved and seconded that........"
Is the motion to reconsider debatable? Amendable?
The motion to reconsider is debatable of the question to be reconsidered is debatable and it is unamendable.
Does a nomination require a second?What vote is required to elect?
Nominations do not require a second and requires a majority vote to elect.
Does an appeal require a second? Majority Vote?
An appeal does require a second and a majority vote.
How is the reading of the minutes requested?
By the president stating, "We will now have the minutes of the previous meeting."
When does a vote go into effect?
After the motion is stated
Does the motion to reconsider require a second? Majority Vote?
The motion to reconsider does require a second also requires a majority vote.
In what order are candidates voted on following their nominations?
The candidates are voted on in the order in which they were nominated in.
Is an appeal debatable? Amendable?
An appeal is debatable except in cases where it relates to inproper conduct, priority of business, or deviation from the rules of speaking.An appeal is unamendable.
What major items should be contained in a treasurer's report?
The treasurer's report should be information only.
What happens to a motion if the vote results in a tie?
A tie vote means that a motion is lost, assuming the motion requried a majority vote.
What is the correct terminology to use when asking that a motion be reconsidered?
" I move to reconsider the vote on the motion that..... I voted on the prevailing side."
May the vote on a motion to close nominations be reconsidered?
The vote on the motion to close nominations cannot be reconsidered.
What is the correct terminology to use when appealing from the decision of the chair?
Mr/Madam President, I appeal from the decision of the chair.
When a committee report contains recommendations, what dispostion should be made of the report?
If the report contains a recommendation or action to be taken a motion to "accept the report" should be offered.