Making a motion, motion seconded, and motion stated
What are the three steps for making a motion?
This can be done by voice, by rising from your seat, by ballot, by roll call, or any other method authorized by the assembly
What is voting?
Any spoken comment on the merits of a motion
What is debate?
Main motions, subsidiary motions, privileged motions, and incidental motions, are motions that bring a question before the assembly
What are the four basic types of motions?
The chairperson can vote in this instance
What is a tie?
This is the maximum number of times a member is allowed to speak to the same motion in one day
What is two time?
These motions are related to members, the organization, and meeting procedure rather than the item of business being considered
What is a motion of privilege?
This needs to be met in order to vote on a motion
What is Quorum?
A member cannot speak a second time to a motion until this condition is met.
What is until everyone choosing to speak has spoken?
Motions that can be applied to other motions
What are subsidiary motions?
A member must be present to take this action
What is vote?
When referring to another member of the assembly, you should always address them in this manner.
What is their title?
This motion is used to enforce rules, can interrupt a discussion, does not require a second, and does not require a vote
What is Point of Order?
There must be at least this many members present for voting to take place
What is two-thirds?
When the chair rises to state a point of order or privilege, the member speaking must do this.
What is take their seat until the chair has been heard?