Organizational Rules
Precedence of Motions
Motions 1
Handling Motions
Motions 2
An assembly of delegates normally chosen for one session is called a A. convention B. board. C. mass meeting D. standing committee
A. convention
When a main motion and a motion to postpone the main question indefinitely are pending, the first vote is taken on the A. main motion. B. motion to postpone indefinitely. C. amendment. D. None of the above. The chair makes the decision which is dependent on the worth of each amendment
B. motion to postpone indefinitely.
The only motion whose introduction brings business before an assembly is a A. main motion. B. point of information. C. parliamentary inquiry. D. previous question.
A. main motion.
After a motion is made, seconded, and restated by the chair, the motion is A. voted on immediately. B. "pending." C. always amended. D. "put" by the chair as the next step.
B. "pending."
If you wanted to amend a pending main motion by placing words at the end of the motion, the proper form would be to say A. "I move to amend by inserting the word ..." B. "I move to amend by substituting ..." C. "I move to amend by adding..." D. "I move to amend by striking out the ..."
C. "I move to amend by adding..."
Generally, an officer's term begins A. thirty days after the meeting at which the election took place. B. as soon as the officer is elected. C. the next January after the officer is elected. D. after an executive session with the other officers to determine duties.
B. as soon as the officer is elected.
There are five classes of motions. Which one of the following belongs to the first class? A. Secondary motions (Privileged motions) B. Main motions (Original and Incidental) C. Motions that bring a question again before the assembly D. Incidental motions
A. Secondary motions (Privileged motions)
A Point of Order takes precedence over any pending question A. provided that debate has begun. B. only if it is seconded by another member in agreement. C. but only at the moment the breach of order occurs. D. if confirmed and approved by the parliamentarian.
C. but only at the moment the breach of order occurs.
If a member yields the floor before speaking for a full ten minutes, the remaining time A. can be allotted to the member who seconded the pending motion. B. is added to the member's total debating time remaining. C. is relinquished. D. can be allotted by the chairman to another member who spoke in the affirmative on the motion.
C. is relinquished.
The minimum affirmative vote needed to adopt the motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate when it is made with no question pending is A. a majority. B. two-thirds. C. one-fifth. D. None of the above
B. two-thirds.
Normally, in most organizations, the minutes of each meeting are read and approved A. by the officers when they meet to plan the next meeting. B. at the end of the regular meeting before adjournment. C. at the beginning of the next regular meeting after the meeting is called to order and opening ceremonies are completed. D. whenever the chairman determines there will be adequate time to discuss them in detail.
C. at the beginning of the next regular meeting after the meeting is called to order and opening ceremonies are completed.
Which motion below has the lowest precedence? A. Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn B. Lay on the Table C. Call for the Orders of the Day D. Main Motion
D. Main Motion
The subsidiary motion to Postpone to a Certain Time is amendable as to the A. location where the postponement will be considered. B. time that the main question may be postponed to. C. number of members that will consider if the main question is postponed. D. duties of the presiding officer on handling the matter if the main question is postponed.
B. time that the main question may be postponed to.
When a main motion is postponed while a motion to Amend is pending, the amendment is A. automatically adopted. B. lost. C. postponed with the main motion. D. tabled also.
C. postponed with the main motion.
Who makes the initial ruling on the motion to Raise a Question of Privilege"! A. The chairman B. Members C. The parliamentarian D. The vice president
A. The chairman
The first paragraph of the minutes should not contain the A. name of the society. B. date and time of the meeting. C. place where the meeting is held if it is not always the same. D. names of the members who voted in the affirmative to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
D. names of the members who voted in the affirmative to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
There are five classes of motions. Which one of the following belongs to the first class? A. Secondary motions (Privileged motions) B. Main motions (Original and Incidental) C. Motions that bring a question again before the assembly D. Incidental motions
B. Main motions (Original and Incidental)
With a main motion and an amendment pending, which of the following motions would be out of order? A. Postpone indefinitely B. Lay on the table C. Recess D. Refer to a committee
A. Postpone indefinitely
How long can a member speak each time on a pending motion unless permission is given by the assembly or it is outlined differently in the bylaws? A) ten minutes B) five minutes C) two minutes D) none of the above
A) ten minutes
The motion to Rescind A. can only be moved when no other motion is pending. B. can be applied to any main motion that has been adopted. C. is amendable. D. All of the above
D. All of the above
If an organization has adopted Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised as their parliamentary authority and another manual disagrees with a specific rule, which manual is binding? A. The assembly votes and chooses the binding manual by a majority vote. B. The parliamentarian decides which manual is binding. C. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is binding. D. The officers meet in executive session to decide which manual should be binding
C. Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised is binding.
Which series of motions below is arranged from lowest to highest precedence? A) amend, main motion, recess, postpone indefinitely B) main motion, postpone indefinitely, amend, recess C) recess, amend, postpone indefinitely, main motion D) postpone indefinitely, amend, main motion, recess
B) main motion, postpone indefinitely, amend, recess
Which one of the following motions is debatable? A. Limit or extend debate on a pending question B. Lay on the table C. Postpone definitely D. Previous question
C. Postpone definitely
The chair's announcement of the result of a voice vote should include which side "has it," whether the motion is adopted or lost, and A. the effect of the vote. B. a summary of the affirmative and negative debate. C. a congratulatory statement to the maker of the motion. D. an estimate of how many voted on the prevailing (winning) side.
A. the effect of the vote.
Which motion below is not always debatable? A. Postpone Indefinitely B. Amend C. Commit (or Refer) D. Postpone to a Certain Time
B. Amend