Basic Parli-Practice
Main Motion
Lay on the Table
Previous Question
Refer to a Committee
What is the purpose of presenting a motion?
To bring an item of business before the chapter for consideration and action.
What is the purpose of a main motion?
To present an item of business for consideration and action by the chapter.
What is the purpose of the motion to lay on the table?
The purpose of the motion to lay on the table is to temporarily delay action on an item of business.
What vote is necessary to call the previous question?
A two-thirds vote is necessary to call the previous question.
What is the purpose of referring a motion to a committee?
To place the question temporarily in a committee.
What is the proper terminology to use when putting the question?
Those supporting the motion that... say aye, those opposed say no or those in favor of the motion that... raise your hand, those opposed raise your hand.
Is a main motion debatable?
A main motion is always debatable and amendable.
Is the motion to lay on the table debateable? Amendable?
The motion to lay on the table is undebateable and unamendable.
Is the previous question debatable? Amendable?
The previous question is undebatable and unamendable.
Is the motion to refer debatable? Amendable?
The motion to refer is debatable and amendable.
When does a vote go into effect?
A vote goes into effect following the announcement of the results of the vote. A tap of the gavel should follow the annoncement of the results.
Does a main motion require a second? Majority vote?
A main motion requires a second, and a majority vote is necessary.
Does the motion to lay on the table require a second?
The motion to lay on the table requires a second.
When may a vote on the previous question by reconsidered?
It may be reconsidered before the affirmative vote is taken on the pending question or questions.
Does the motion to refer require a second?
The motion to refer requires a second.
What happens to a motion if the vote results in a tie?
A tie vote means that a motion is lost, asuming the motion requires a majority vote.
What is the proper terminology to use in stating a main motion?
I move that...
What happens to a pending amendment if the main motion is tabled?
When a main motion is tabled, all amendments and other motions belonging to it are also tabled.
When the previous question is called for without qualifications, to what question does it apply?
If the previous question is called for without qualifications, only the immediate pending questions is affected.
When a motion is referred to a committee, what happens to amendments that are pending to the main motion?
When a motion is referred to a committee, amendments that are pending to the main motion are also referred.
What steps must be completed to present a motion?
Rise and address the chair. Receive recognition by the president. Make the motion. Second the motion. Statement of the question by the chair.
Describe the characteristics that make up an ideal presiding officer.
Willingness to work. Self confidence. Ability to learn Parliamentary Procedure. Well developed voice. Neat appearance. Fair and impartial judgement. Skill in leading people.
What qualifications should one have to be on a chapter conducting team?
Willingness to work. Capability of learning parliamentary procedure. Team spirit. Well developed voice. Calmness and self confidence.
What is the purpose of the previous question?
To terminate discussion on the motion or motions before the chapter and to secure an immediate vote.
What is the correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee?
The correct terminology to use when referring a motion to a committee is: I move that we refer the motion that.... To a committee, or... To a committee consisting of... or... To a special committee on....