Sheep Meadow & The Turtle Pond can be found in this 843-Acre public playground
What is Central Park
This appendage may be considered lucky, but not for the Oryctolagus Cuniculus
What is a Rabbits Foot
The "E" in his most famous equation stands for energy, not his name
Who is Albert Einstein
In the 1570's this British Circum-navigator attacked many Spanish ships as a pirate in the Caribbean
Who is Francis Drake
West Virginia broke from Virginia after thee legislature voted for this in 1861
What is Secession from the Union
One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the city; this is the second tallest
What is Two World Trade Center
"Find" one of these & "Pick it up, all day long you'll have good luck"
What is a Penny/Pin
The monk conceived the laws of heredity while minding his peas & Qs as a teacher in Brunn, Austria
Who is (Gregor Johann) Mendel
This rear admiral discovered a mountain range in Antarctica on one of his famous flights over it
Who is Richard Evelyn Byrd
California & Arizona's 40-year dispute over water rights to this river ended in 1963
What is the Colorado River
A Mast to Moor Dirigibles was added to this skyscraper, but only one ever moored successfully
What is the Empire State Building
St. Patrick might have told a different story if he'd been "Looking over this lucky Plant"
What is a four-leaf clover
James Watson & Francis Crick teamed up to discover the double helix structure of this
What is DNA
This man who sought the source of the Nile was knighted in 1886
Who is Sir Richard Francis Burton
What is Massachusetts
He was inaugurated for his second time as mayor of New York City on January 1, 1998
Who is Rudolph W. Giuliani
What is Rice
His discoveries published in 1704 work "Opticks" explained why objects appear to be colored
Who is Sir Isaac Newton
This priest first met Louis Jolliet when Jolliet arrived at his mission at his mission at St. Ignace in December 1672
Who is Jacques Marquette
In 1998 New York & New Jersey made their agreements before the supreme court over this historic island
What is Ellis Island
There's a statue of this "Yankee Doodle Dandy" "Over there" in Times Square
Who is George M. Cohen
This man founded a religion, so go ahead & rub his tummy for good luck
What is Buddha
In 1920 this Dane became director of the institute for theoretical physics in Copenhagen
Who is Niels Bohr
In 1497 this Venetian sailing for England became the first European since the vikings to reach North America
Who is John Cabot/Giovanni Cabotto
In 1855 many men from this slave state voted in Kansas, leading to blood shed among the border
What is Missouri