Fisher Family
Foreshadowing and Flashbacks
LWD Middle

Paul's disability is

What is visual impairment. 


Who is in the Fisher family?

Mom, Dad, Erik, and Paul


What is the first flashback we as readers experience with Paul?

"I remember a metal mailbox, on a black metal pole....I turned back and saw it - a black car....a man hanging out of the passenger window....he was holding a long metal baseball bat....he brought it forward in a mighty swing, right at my head....'It was "Erik." I was saying "Erik."


Who is the principal of Lake Windsor Middle School?

The principal of Lake Windsor Middle is Mrs. Gates.


The first natural disaster Paul and his mother experience in Tangerine 

What is the muck fire. 


The position of soccer Paul plays

What is goalie. 


Which state and city did the Fisher family move to Tangerine from?

What is Houston, Texas.


At the end of part 1, Paul made the decision to transfer to a new school. What is Paul hoping for once he moves to Tangerine Middle?

Paul is hoping for another shot to join a soccer team.  

(And no IEP).


Which grade levels at LWD Middle are required to take classes in the portables?

The grade levels required to have classes in the portables are grades 7th and 8th. 


What tragedy occurred during one of the football practices sessions?

Mike Costello was struck by lightning and killed.


The form that Mrs. Fisher fill out at the beginning of the school year ($100 extra points for knowing what the acronym stands for)

What is an IEP form (Individualized Education Plan).


Seemingly, what are some the of the most important activities in this family dynamic?

What is sports; soccer and football. 


Paul states, "What else has Dad 'overlooked' about Tangerine?" Is an example of

What is foreshadowing. 


What is the name of the friend Paul makes at LWD Middle school who also tries out for the soccer team?

The name of the friend is Joey Costello.


How does Erik benefit from Mike's death?

Erik becomes the most valuable player on the team.


Why would Paul be disappointed by if Erik perished in a freak lightening strike?

What is/are the exact word(s)?

What is...


"I would feel relieved. I would feel safer...I don't want Erik to die and take [the eclipse story] with him," (Bloor 55).


According to Paul, his father's main focus is on who and what?

What is Erik and his football career.


What can be inferred about who was involved in the accident surrounding Paul's eyesight?

It can be inferred that Erik was involved.


What position does Coach Walski offer Paul after stating he can no longer be part of the soccer team?

He is offered Team Manager. "You'll be in charge of the team and equipment for every game..." (64).


How many listed individual did Mama Fisher state died due to lightning related incidences? 

Five individuals, including Mike, have been killed. 


Paul states, "Mom, you ruined my life a Lake Windsor Middle when you turned in that IEP. This is your chance to undo it!" What choice does Paul push his mom to make and what motivated this decision on Paul's end?

1) He pushes his mom to let him transfer schools. 

2) As a result of the IEP, Paul cannot play soccer LWD Middle School, and the longevity of the school repairs


Mama Fisher was able to prove what to the Lake Windsor High School football coaches (and Paul's dad) that got the football practices moved to the early mornings?

She proved how dangerous and deadly the lightning strikes are in Tangerine County. 


What interesting fact does Mr. Costello say to Paul when they're first introduced?

Hint: fish

What is that Lake Windsor is full of Koi fish flown in from Atlanta.


After being questioned about their involvement at the carnival and accused of vandalizing one of the attractions, who does Paul state are the real vandals? 

Paul states the soccer players from Tangerine Middle were responsible? 


What caused the sinkhole to appear underneath the portable at LWD Middle school?

The abnormal amount of rain caused an underground cavern to collapse, creating the sinkhole. 
