Capitals of the World
American Rivers
It's Not Rocket Science!
Green Mountains
Name the Artist

Singers from this country include Julian Casablancas, Diana Ross, Sam Cooke, and Bruce Springsteen. Name its capital.

What is Washington D.C.?


Abenaki for Onion, this river is also the name of a town that borders Burlington, Vermont

What is the Winooski River?


e=mc^2 is the famous equation from Einstein's theory of special relativity, what does the m stand for?

What is mass?


Name the highest mountain in Vermont, with an elevation of 4,393 feet

What is Mount Mansfield?


Impressionist, Sunflowers, Reminiscence of Brabant, Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear, Café Terrace at Night

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


One from this capital may blame their thunderstorms on Zeus, or thank Hera for their successful child birth, or vacation on islands such as Santorini or Mykonos

What is Athens?


Spanish for Big River, this river marks the border for Western Texas and Mexico

What is the Rio Grande?


Ecology is broken into levels of organizations, Biosphere being the largest, then biomes, then ecosystems, then communities, and so on. Name the lowest level of organization

What is organism or species?


Although the animal this mountain's named after wouldn't live in Vermont, name the mountain tied for third highest in the state, the largest not turned into a ski mountain

What is Camel's Hump?


Pop Art, Mao, Banana for Velvet Underground Album Cover, Shot Marylins, Campbell's Soup Cans

Who is Andy Warhol?


This country has eleven official languages, including Xhosa, Zulu, Afrikaans, and English. It also has three capitals! Name any one of the capitals

What is Bloemfontein, Cape Town, or Pretoria?


This stately river forms the northern border of Kentucky, and flows 944 miles until it empties into the Mississippi

What is the Ohio River?


Name any element that is liquid at or around room temperature

What is Bromine, Mercury, Cesium, Gallium, Rubidium, Francium?


With a total elevation of 3,862 feet, this mountain is the last major mountain before the Canadian Border, and contains a ski resort with powder lasting into May

What is Jay Peak Mountain, Jay Mountain, Jay Peak?


Renaissance, Portrait of a Man in Red Chalk, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?


The landlocked country where this capital lies borders France, Austria, Lichtenstein, and two others. Name the capital of this neutral, chocolate-loving country

What is Bern?


Starting in Wyoming, flowing through Idaho, and finally meeting up with the Columbia River in Washington, this river becomes the biggest in the United States to flow into the Pacific

What is the Snake River?


e is an irrational number roughly equalling 2.718.... Pi is also irrational and equals the amount of times the diameter wraps around the circumference of a circle, and roughly equals 3.14.... i is the imaginary number that equals the square root of -1. What does e^(πi) - 1 =?

What is zero? (This is Euler's Constant, considered by some the most beautiful equation in mathematics)


The Adirondack 46er challenge was created to summit all 46 peaks above 4000 feet in New York (although measurements were incorrect), how many peaks above 4000 feet does Vermont have?

What is five peaks?


Impressionist, Poppies, Woman with Parasol, Impression Sunrise

Who is Claude Monet?


Crocodile Dundee and Vegemite are associated with the country where this capital lies

What is Canberra?


This longest river on the east coast originates in Cooperstown, NY, passes through Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and empties into the Chesapeake Bay.

What is the Susquehanna?


Name the teacher in Magic School Bus

Who is Ms. Frizzle?


This forested mountain next to Smuggler's Notch ski resort has the same name as a mountain in New York used during the Winter Olympics

What is Whiteface Mountain?


The Old Guitarist, Portrait of Gertrude Stein, Les Demoiselles D'Avignon, Guernica

Who is Pablo Picasso?
