Who is my favorite streamer? (they also have a youtube channel)
In The Last of Us 2, someone important died. Who was it?
Joel Miller
"I shot the hell outta that guy, huh."
Ellie Williams
Who won Overall Game of the Year in 2011?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Yuuichi Katagiri
What is my favorite anime movie?
Which character is this?
Tommy Miller.
"It's called luck, and it is gonna run out."
Joel Miller
How many total episodes of Happy Wheels does Jacksepticeye have on his channel?
Kaori Miyazono
What is my favorite dog breed?
Chow Chow.
Who is Jesse killed by in The Last of Us 2?
Abby Anderson.
"What makes you think I'd do this for you?"
Tommy Miller
Crankgameplays did something for Markipiler to notice him. What was it?
a backflip
What color jewelry do I prefer?
The Fireflies.
"How would you rate our kiss from last night? Scale of one to ten. One being absolute trash, and ten being life-altering..."
Chuuya Nakahara
How many tattoos do I have (including stick and pokes)?
Why does Abby want revenge on Joel in The Last of Us 2?
Abby wants revenge because in the end of The Last of Us 1, Joel had killed a group of Fireflies looking for a cure. Her dad was a part of that group.
"You're gonna be really happy you didn't kill me."
What is the name of this skin in Overwatch?