The family is vacationing on an island in a tropical paradise when a volcano erupts.
Person vs. Nature
This is where the setting and conflict are introduced.
Which is correct?
1. (Dietz 25).
2. .(Dietz 25)
3. (Dietz 25)."
(Dietz 25).
The person telling the story
Brendon is scared to talk to a girl. To overcome his fear, he enlists the help of his friend.
Brendon vs. self
events that occur after the climax
Falling Action
Restates the question asked.
the villain in the story
Jack is in competition with Traci for the most points in Blooket.
Person vs. Person
the ending including any future plans
Using your own words to explain importance of quote
The main character of the story
the main idea or message that an author conveys in a story
Kelly just wanted a cup of coffee, but the coffee machine is on the fritz.
Person vs. Technology
the outcome of the conflict is revealed
Restate your topic sentence
a literary device that creates tension and anticipation in a story by withholding or releasing information to the reader
What 2 types of figurative language is used?
The car "sputtered" and "clunked" as it gained speed.
Personification & Onomatopoeia
Kyle thought it was a little weird this morning when his neighbor tried to eat him, but it wasn't until about half way through 1st period that he realized why: Kyle's community is under a full scale zombie attack.
Person vs. Supernatural
the events leading up to the climax
Rising Action
Uses quotation marks
Provide quote
The time and place
Justin didn't want to get involved in the struggle of civil rights. He just wanted to go to school. Unfortunately, he could not go to school due to the color of his skin.
Person vs. Society
The problem of the story
Includes Title and Author
Introduction to quote
A story within a story
Frame story