UCOP Bending the Curve Summary
Ethical Obligations of Climate Change
Talking About Climate Change
Climate Lab videos/Multi-Modality
"Establishing Common Ground"

According to the UCOP Executive summary, in addition to inducing climate change, pollution from fossil fuel use leads to these health effects on humans (100 points for each)

1) "Three million premature deaths from air pollution." 2) "Stroke, cardiovascular disease, acute and chronic respiratory disease and adverse birth outcomes." 3) Crop destruction, 4) particulates fro coal and petroleum combustion blocking sunlight and altering rain patterns leading droughts in places like sub-Saharan Africa, (31)


This is the big difference between morals and ethics

What is a subjective set of personal beliefs bereft of verifiable truth value, and a codified set of specific guidelines meant to verifiably assess right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, etc., in specific situations and scenarios. 


As a counterpoint to the narrative that climate change is invisible, told by Firmin Debrabander, and utilized by various climate change deniers (i.e. the rhetoric of: "climate change ain't real, if it were, then how come I can't see it?") the main subject of "This Bangladeshi woman can tell you how real climate change is" Ghokul's story begins when and how?

in the 1960's with the erosion of the riverbank that served as the border to her family's farmland. 


According the the SMGW, these are the five different modes of communication. 

Linguistic Modes, Visual Modes, Aural Modes, Spatial Modes, Gestural Modes (Axelrod and Cooper 385, 388-389)?


These are the four general communications strategies for communicating climate change to the general public as advocated by Barnosky et al. (1-2). 

What are: 1) local, state, national, and international info campaigns tailored to each constituency; 2) integrate climate change information into educational curricula; 3) create venues for experts and decision makers to discuss climate change; 4) Communicate that solutions to climate change exist and can be instituted across a variety of media?


According to the UCOP Executive Summary, one billion people consume 50% of the fossil fuel energy  and are responsible for 60% of all CO2 emissions, while the poorest 3 billion people in the world contribute this percentage of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere (33).

What is 5% of all C02 emissions. 


Bangladesh, where Bhokul, the main subject of "This Bangladeshi woman can tell you how real climate change is," lives, is projected to specifically fair how due to climate change and these factors?

What is get hit by more extreme weather phenomena such as more frequent and stronger cyclones, and flooding events. 


According to Andrew David Thaler, this is a much stronger predictor of climate change literacy than scientific understanding. 

What is political ideology?


These are the modes of communication used in a class paper. 

What Linguistic, spatial, and sometimes visual? Despite being multi-modal a class paper would not be an appropriate text for reaching a large audience. 


According to Barnosky et al., these three audiences from the Yale Six America's study are most likely to be swayed by effective communication (2). 

What are the Concerned, Cautious, and Disengaged? 


As the Himalayan and other mountainous glacier systems melt this many people will be left without dependable water supplies (33). 

What is 1.5 billion people?


While the United States has 5% of the world's population, it is currently responsible for this percentage of the world's C02 production (Somerville).

What is 25%


These are the two big ways that Andrew David Thaler proposes to talk about climate change in terms of faith. 

What are apocalyptic/mythical floods, and cemetery desecration from rising sea levels?


This term refers the choices you make in terms of choosing the print you use (i.e. font choices), and these choices matter (Axelrod and Cooper 393). 

What is typography?


On average, this is how much CO2 does one person in the US emit per year (Barnosky et al. 2). 

What is ~17 tonnes? In China it is 7, and in India, 2. 


The UCOP Bending the Curve Executive summary is unique in this aspect, which deals with pollution from fossil fuel combustion as a whole instead of separating the types of pollution into different categories (13). 

What is treating the mitigation of air-pollution and climate pollution as part of the same problem?


One of the ethical dilemmas of industrial society is that the greenhouse gases emitted today will affect future generations due to a lag in the warming caused by C02 due to these three things reacting slowly to greenhouse gas output (Somerville).  

What are oceans, ice, and snow?


The many different ways that Andrew David Thaler advocates for talking about climate change all have this technique proposed by Barnosky et al. (3) in common. 

What is establishing common ground?


According to Axelrod and Cooper (394) this is why color choice is important.

Because people have emotional and psychological responses to different colors? Being aware of this means that you have picked specific colors to help you deliver your message. 


This technique, advocated by Barnosky et al. (4-5) is the refutation of misinformation, and the beginning of educating people about climate change. 

What is myth busting?


Of the 10 scalable solutions presented in the UCOP Executive summary, number 7 works in concert with regulatory and incentive based measures for producing energy, as well as aiding in the electrification of transportation. This measure proposes removing reliance on fossil fuels for energy generation by replacing old fossil fuel burning power plants with these "mature technologies" (11).

What are photovoltaics, wind turbines, battery and hydrogen fuel-cell Electric Light Duty Vehicles, and more efficient end-use devices (lights, ACs, refrigerators, appliances, etc.)


According to Somerville, this is one of the biggest factors prohibiting nations from reaching a consensus on how to proceed in terms of climate change mitigation, in spite of overwhelming scientific evidence showing that having 80% of the world's energy supplied by fossil fuels will lead humans to global destruction.

Nations do not make decisions based on scientific evidence?


While education level is acknoweldged as being correlated to  climate change awareness, Barnosky et al., much like Andrew David Thaler say that education is not the biggest factor in climate change awareness. Instead, according to Barnosky et al, the biggest factor in climate change awareness is income level and urban proximity in China, and this in the US (3). 

What is civic engagement and access to communication tools?


According to Axelrod and Cooper multi-modal texts should begin with this (398). 

What is your thesis?


These five communication techniques are some of the tools advocated by Barnosky et al. (9-10) that help you frame your message so as to better communicate it to your audience. You will not use all 5 in your projects, but you will use them as audience-appropriate. 

What are 1) establishing common ground, 2) keeping the message simple, 3) being inclusive, 4) telling a story, and 5) de-politicizing the message. 
