How should a belt sander be guarded?
All Pulleys shall be enclosed including the sides and periphery except the working end of the edge sander. An exhaust hood may be part of the guard.
Cutting with the grain
When should the guard be down?
When not in use
Molding or sticker machine
A machine with revolving cutter heads and used to cut irregular contours on a straight strip of wood
A radial saw shall have the front end of the unit be slightly higher than the rear so that after each cut the radial saw
Gently returns to its home position
How should band saw blades be guarded?
All portions of the band saw blade shall be enclosed or guarded except for the working portion of the blade between the bottom of the guide and the table.
Cutting against the grain
What guarding is required on a circular saw?
hood guard that enclosing the part of the blade when the equipment is on or off. The guard will self-adjust to the thickness of the material.
Boring machine used to cut square or rectangular holes
Portable circular saw guards, after each cut, shall
automatically and instantly return to the covering position
How should you guard radial arm saw
Enclose the upper portion of the blade and arbor. The teeth of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the full diameter of the blade that will automatically adjust itself to the stock.
What guarding is required on swin and sliding cut-off saws?
hood guard designed to enclose the upper half of the blade, arbor, and nut at all times. A hood guard covering the lower half the blad that automatically adjusts to the thickness of the stock.
Point of operation
the area of a machine where material is actually worked.
What portion on a band saw shall be guarded?
All portions of the band saw shall be guarded?
What extra safety devices are needed when ripping?
spreader and anti kickbacks or dogs.
Cutting a groove for a slide
So there is no more than 1/2 inch from the back of the saw or within 1/2 inch of the blade if there is a smaller blade.
Planer vs Jointer
A machine with a revolving cutter head set above an adjustable table on which material is passed under the cutter head by power rolls.
A machine with a revolving cutter head set into an adjustable table over which the material is moved over the cutter head.
Guards on a belt sanding machines shall
cover pulleys, sides, and prevent hands or fingers of the operator from coming into contact with the nip points
When should you have a hood guard
When the saw is on or off, hood guards shall be used at all times.
What kind of cuts can you make with a circular saw
ripping, cross-cutting, dadoing and rabbeting
When should a push stick be used?
For narrow strips of wood and shorter strips
A revolving vertical cutter and a motor suspended over a table and used to cut to a predetermined design
What clothing shall be provided, shall be prohibited, should not be worn?
Be provided... anti-kickback aprons
Shall not loose flowing garments, sleeves, and neckties
Should not... gloves