Fair trade
Producer networks

Who does fair trade aim to help?

Less developed countries


What is fair trade?

  • approach to business and development that creates greater equity in the international trading system. 
  • It prioritizes better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal for farmers and workers in developing countries

What wages do people who work on plantations earn?

Workers on plantations are often paid very low wages (e.g., as low as $2-3 per day) and face poor working conditions because Fair Trade standards typically do not extend to large plantations.


According to Figure 3, where are most Fair-Trade producer networks located?

Most Fair-Trade producer networks are located in developing countries across Africa, Latin America, and parts of Asia.


How does the Fair-Trade Organisation help improve conditions for coffee farmers?

The Fair-Trade Organisation helps coffee farmers by ensuring they receive a fair price for their coffee beans, providing them with better wages, and promoting environmentally sustainable farming practices.


What is the main objective of fair trade?

The main objective of Fair Trade is to improve the lives of small producers in developing nations by ensuring they receive fair prices for their products and by promoting sustainable farming practices


What is a primary export?

Raw materials from the earth


What potential solution is suggested to address poor working conditions on non-Fair-Trade plantations?

Potential solution is the development of a "Code of Conduct" or "Guidelines for Ethical Trading," which would require plantation owners to follow ethical practices, ensuring fair wages and better working conditions for all laborers.


What pattern is evident in the location of Fair-Trade producer networks on the world map?

The pattern shows that Fair Trade producer networks are predominantly in developing or poorer countries


What is a suggested strategy to improve the working conditions of plantation workers according to the sources?

One suggested strategy is to develop a "Code of Conduct" or "Guidelines for Ethical Trading" that plantation owners must follow to ensure fair wages and safe working conditions for their workers.


What is something that the fair-trade initiative provides to help producer network countries?

- Provides them with training and resources 


What is spatial location?

Geographic location


Why do small producers in developing nations struggle in traditional trade systems?

Small producers often struggle because they receive very low payments for their raw materials and are vulnerable to exploitation by middlemen and larger corporations.


What is the spatial location of the producer networks?

Situated near the equator, where agricultural products like coffee and cocoa are commonly grown because of the warm conditions.


How does buying Fair Trade products benefit consumers in developed countries?

It allows consumers to support ethical practices and helps improve the lives of producers in developing countries by paying a fair price for their products.

What are some trading items that are exported by less developed countries that the fair-trade initiative is aiming to fix?

Coffee, Chocolate, sugar, tea, bananas, cotton, fruit


What is interconnectedness?

People and geographical phenomenon are connected to each


According to the sources, how does the current global coffee market impact small coffee farmers?

The global coffee market often results in low prices for raw coffee beans, which negatively affects small coffee farmers who struggle to make a sustainable living due to these low payments and high production costs.


How much of Australia's food production is estimated to be exported?

They are primarily located in developing countries because these countries often have a large number of small-scale farmers who face exploitation in traditional trade systems and benefit the most from Fair Trade's support and fair pricing policies.


What are the environmental benefits of supporting Fair Trade products?

Fair Trade encourages sustainable farming practices, reducing the environmental impact by promoting organic methods and minimizing harmful chemicals.


How does Fair Trade benefit small farmers in poorer countries?

Fair Trade helps small farmers by providing better prices for their crops, reducing exploitation, and improving working conditions, which in turn helps them achieve better living standards.


What is a producer network?

Organisation or group that represents fair trade farmers, workers and producers in an area.


Based on Figure 4, list one-way international trade can be harmful to poorer countries.

International trade can be harmful because it often involves importing goods made with child labour or unethical practices, which supports unfair labour conditions in poorer countries. 


How does being part of a Fair-Trade producer network help small farmers negotiate better deals?

  • Being part of a network helps small farmers collectively negotiate better prices for their products, access international markets, reduce reliance on exploitative middlemen, and improve their overall economic stability.


How does Fair Trade address the problem of child labour in developing countries?

Fair Trade standards prohibit child labour in certified farms and producer networks, ensuring that children are not exploited and that their rights to education and a safe childhood are protected.
