Designed to be easy and comfortable to use.
What is ergonomic?
What is located "approximately one million miles north of important and two billion miles west of happy?"
What is the reservation?
This is why Junior's decision to change schools makes Rowdy so furious.
What is because Junior cares about being honest with his friends?
In Chapter 10, "Tears of a Clown," readers learn this about Rowdy.
What is that Rowdy is Arnold's secret keeper.
This is what Gordy teaches Arnold about education.
What is how to treat novels seriously?
Approaching, coming
What is impending?
Thinking deeply or at length.
What is contemplating?
This is the literary element used when Junior made the statement "approximately one million miles north of important and two billion miles west of Happy."
What is a hyperbole?
This is why Junior's decision to change schools makes Rowdy mad.
What is Rowdy fells abandoned by Arnold and is feeling pain?
A homeless person
What does Junior dress up as for Halloween?
Who is Penelope?
Conflict, disagreement
What is confrontation?
Questioning someone in a forceful or serious way.
What is interrogating?
This is what Junior's 30-year-old geometry book symbolizes.
What is the poverty of the Spokane tribes?
Junior decides to go to a school off the reservation that is a rival of the school on the reservation.
What are reasons that Junior is believed to have betrayed his tribe?
Rowdy gives Junior this advice when asked how to get a beautiful white girl to fall in love with him.
What is to change the way he looks, talks, and walks?
This is Junior's first real friend at Reardon.
Who is Gordy?
Excessive, Unneeded
What is redundant?
Fantasy, found only in legend.
What is mythical?
This is what Mr. P meant when he said "We were supposed to kill the Indian to save the child?"
Junior's purpose for describing the "11 Unofficial Rules of Fisticuffs."
What is the way in which Junior expects all people to follow, based on experience?
We learn this about Junior's sister in Chapter 12.
What is she got married and moved to Montana?
This is how Junior and Gordy become friends.
What is they talk about books and like to study together?
Exaggerating, Overdoing
What is overstating?
Clear enough for light to pass through it.
What is translucent?
According to Mr. P, this is what the kids on the reservation are being taught each day.
What is how to give up?
Junior punches Roger in the face and Roger doesn't fight back.
What is the weirdest fight Junior ever had?
Junior and his sister both leave the rez to live out their dreams.
What is a reason that Junior and his sister are similar?
Symbolic, Figurative
"They stared at me like I was a big foot or a UFO" is an example of this type of figurative device.
What is a simile?
Beaten up; hit repeatedly.
What is pummeled?
I don't know if hope is white. But I do know that hope for me is like some mythical creature. This is an example of which literary device?
What is a simile?
Who has the most hope?
This is how Junior feels he compares to the kids at Reardon when it comes to intelligence.
What is he knows he's smarter?
Disagreeing with, challenging
"She had red hair and green eyes and was kind of sexy for an old woman." This is this type of characterization.
What is direct characterization?