The author
Who is Sherman Alexie?
Which school did he transfer to?
What is Rearden?
Jr.'s s dog's name
What is Oscar?
Why Jr. stands out at his new school
What is the other kids are all white?
What Arnold does when he can't talk
What is draw?
The reservation
What is the Spokane Reservation? or Wellpinit?
Who is Junior's sister?
What is Mary Runs Away?
How Arnold got to Reardon the first day
What is his father took him?
Why Rowdy punches Junior
What is because he is transferring schools?
Why Arnold was shocked when he didn't get beat up after punching Roger
What is because he followed the rules?
The best friend
Who is Rowdy?
The state the Spokane reservation is in
What is Washington?
How Jr. got to school the second day
Who is his dad's friend?
How much money Jr.'s dad gave him for lunch on the first day at Reardon?
What is $1?
When Jr. needs advice and can't go to Rowdy, who does he goes to?
Who is his grandma?
The kid at Reardon that Junior punched in the nose?
Who is Roger?
What he threw at a teacher
What is a book?
The nerdy kid that sticks up for Junior in class.
Who is Gordy?
How far is Reardon was from Jr.'s house
What is twenty-two miles?
What the reservation is known as to by the Native Americans who live there?
What is the Rez?
What profession does Junior want to be when he grows up.
cartoonist or writer
The teacher that the book was thrown at?
Who is Mr. P?
Why Junior gets mad at his dad
What is he's an alcoholic?
The vehicle Eugene drives
What is a motorcycle?
Answer Wrong Lose 500 points
What is Juniors favorite fast food restaurant