The COMPLETE subject of this sentence:
The popular author Stephen King has written many horror novels during his lifetime.
Who is "Stephen King"?
The VERB in the following sentence:
J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
What is "wrote"?
The DIRECT OBJECT of the following sentence:
William Shakespeare wrote many famous plays.
What is "plays"? or famous plays
The PREDICATE NOMINATIVE in the following sentence:
Edgar Allan Poe was a college dropout.
What is "dropout" or "college dropourt"?
What is "a linking verb"?
The SIMPLE subject of this sentence:
His first novel was Carrie.
What is "novel"?
The HELPING and ACTION Verb of the following sentence:
J.K. Rowling has donated over $13 million to the research clinic at the University of Edinburgh after her mother passed away from multiple sclerosis.
What is "has donated"?
The DIRECT OBJECT of the following sentence:
Shakespeare introduced 3,000 words to the English language.
What is "words"? or 3,000 words
The PREDICATE ADJECTIVE in the following sentence:
Poe was famous for his tales of the macabre.
What is "famous"?
What type of verb does a DIRECT OBJECT or INDIRECT OBJECT ALWAYS follow?
What is "an action verb"?
Hans Zimmer's dramatic sound track to the movie Inception remains one of my favorite compositions.
Identify the SIMPLE subject.
Rowling is the first author to become a billionaire.
What is "is"?
The DIRECT OBJECT(s) of the following sentence:
During his lifetime, William Shakespeare wrote around 37 plays for the theatre and over 150 poems!
What are "plays" AND "poems"?
The PREDICATE ADJECTIVE in the following sentence:
"The Tell-Tale Heart" is suspenseful.
What is "suspenseful"?
Identify the CAPITALIZED words.
If you feed the PEACOCK some popcorn, it will squawk loudly and show YOU its gloriously jeweled TAIL.
The SIMPLE subject of the following sentence:
As a kid, Stephen King's friend was struck and killed by a train.
What is "friend"?
The VERB PHRASE in the following sentence:
Only one Harry Potter character was inspired by a real person.
What is "was inspired"?
Most of the critics considered this latest film version a travesty of the original, brilliant novel.
Identify the DIRECT OBJECT
What is "version" or "latest film version"?
The PREDICATE NOMINATIVE in the following sentence:
Poe was the first American author to try and make a professional living as a writer.
What is "author" or "the first American author"?
If there is an indirect object in a sentence where will it appear?
What is "after the verb and before the direct object"?
Identify the subject in the following sentence:
Beware of Stephen King's next scary novel!
What is an implied (you)?
The VERB of the following sentence:
She's a big fan of the block-building video game Minecraft.
What is "is"? The contraction "She's" is the contraction for 'she is'
The DIRECT OBJECT in the following sentence:
Before dying on his birthday, Shakespeare put a curse on his grave.
What is "curse"?
The PREDICATE ADJECTIVE in the following sentence:
Poe was depressed and suicidal after the death of his wife and cousin, Virginia.
What is "depressed and suicidal"?
Identify the function of the CAPITALIZED word.
Can you send Leah and me ONE of those postcards and write US an account of your latest adventure.
What is "ONE" is the direct object and What is "US" is the indirect object?