Two words that have opposite meaning.
What is an antonym?
Person, place or thing.
What is a noun?
Clues that remind us the difference between 'synonym' and 'antonym'.
What is the starting letters? S - similar, Anti - anti/ opposite.
Full stop.
What is a period?
Competitive art used to be in the Olympics. Identify a preposition in the sentence.
What is 'in'?
Synonym for 'complicated'.
What is complex?
Skiing, snowboarding, snowing.
What is verbs for winter?
How to remember the purpose of a conjunction.
What is 'con' for connecting word?
Punctuation used to express emotion.
What is a question mark?
If you drive south of Detroit, you will hit Canada. Give a proper noun in this sentence.
What is Detroit? What is Canada?
Share an antonym for 'avoid'.
What is approach?
Pumpkin, leaves, rain boots.
What are nouns for fall/ autumn?
How to remember the purpose of a 'preposition'.
What is 'position'?
A dot and a comma make up this type of punctuation.
What is a semi-colon?
That tiny pocket in your jeans is used to store pocket watches. Give an example of an adjective in this sentence.
What is 'tiny'?
Synonym for 'exhausting'.
Ice cream, beach, freedom.
What is nouns for summer?
How to remember the difference between 'homograph' and 'homophone'.
What is read aloud and note where pauses are taken.
Cows don't have upper teeth. Give an example of an antonym for 'upper'.
What is lower?
Synonym and antonym for 'tall'.
What is large, big, monstrous?
What is short, small, petit?
Orange, red, brown.
What are adjectives for fall?
These three items needs to be removed from your head upon entering the school. *make sure to list all three.
What is hat, toque or hoodie?
Two types of punctuation that look the same.
What is a comma and an apostrophe?
What is yawning? What is brain?