My dad loves to read.
What is 'dad'
Monica threw the ball across the field.
What is 'threw'
Plants were the first living things on earth.
What is 'on'
The strong athlete help his team win the game.
What is 'strong'
My work must be finished before this afternoon.
What is 'before'
The crowded mall was a nightmare.
What is 'mall' and 'nightmare'
Friends sometimes argue when they spend too much time together.
What is 'argue' and 'spend'
The book belongs to Anthony
What is 'to'
The sun feels very warm today.
What is 'warm'
He couldn't go to the restaurant because he had lost his money.
What is 'because'
Honesty is the best policy.
What is 'honesty' & 'policy'.
He was angry when it rained all afternoon.
What is 'was' and 'rained'
Due to the storm, it was very difficult to walk against the wind.
What is 'against'
He became even more eager to take to the skies.
What is 'eager'
I'm going home whether you like it or not.
What is 'whether'
Carmine and I liked to watch scary movies.
What is 'Carmine' & 'stories'
The teacher has corrected my poor grammar.
What is 'has corrected'
The policeman walked through the doorway and into the garden.
What is 'through' and 'into'
Susan became more and more tense as she studied for her final test.
What is 'tense and 'final'
I waited up for her until eleven o'clock.
What is 'until'
Time seemed to go by quickly while she was watching television.
What is 'time' and 'television'
She will be going to the market this Friday.
What is 'will be going'
I looked under my bed, behind my dresser, and above my bookshelf for my missing necklace.
What is 'under', 'behind' , 'above' and 'for'
When the old, frail man died, he left money to his grieving family.
What is 'old', 'frail' and 'grieving'
When you're in London, write an e-mail to me.
What is 'when'