Double Jeopardy: A person, place, or thing
"Run" is what part of speech?
Double Jeopardy: This part of speech is an action word.
a verb
Double Jeopardy: A word used to describe a noun.
an adjective
Double Jeopardy: "classroom" is what part of speech?
Is this sentence a complete sentence? Yes or No
Went to the game.
No. It does not have a subject (noun).
Is this sentence a complete sentence? Yes or No
Ran quickly to the bus.
No. There is no subject.
Is this sentence a complete sentence? Yes or No
Jimmy has the best sandwiches.
Is this a complete sentence? Why or Why Not?
They lunch after science class.
NO, because there is no verb.
What part of speech is "golden" in Golden coins?
Identify the noun in the following sentence:
She cannot play the flute.
This part of speech that modifies or often ends in -ly
Double Jeopardy: He, I, his, she, her, they are all examples of what part of speech?
In the phrase: He drove quickly... Quickly is an example of ...
an adverb
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence:
Jesse did not have much money, but she went shopping anyways.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence:
We needed a place to study, so we packed up our things and went to the library.
Identify the adjective in the sentence:
They live on a huge farm.
Identify the conjunction in the following sentence:
Fred wanted to show hogs or goats at the fair.
In order for a sentence to be complete, it has to have a noun and a verb. TRUE / FALSE
Double Jeopardy: Or, but, and, so ...are all examples of what part of speech?
Double Jeopardy: How many adjectives are in this sentence?
Kate wore a pretty blue dress today.
pretty, blue
Double Jeopardy: What is the verb in the following sentence:
Luca played basketball yesterday.
Double Jeopardy: Which part of speech do you use when you need to join clauses, sentences, or words?
Double Jeopardy: What is the word “swiftly“ in the following sentence:
Will ran swiftly through the field.
An adverb
This part of speech describes a noun.