What is a noun?
What is a verb?
(100 points per correct answer)
Noun- person, place, thing, or animal
What is an adjective?
What is an adverb?
(100 points per correct answer)
an adjective describes or MODIFIES a noun
an adverb describes or MODIFIES a noun
What is an article? (two types)
What is a conjunction?
(100 points per correct answer)
Article goes before a noun and let's us know if it is a general or specific noun.
Conjunction links two thoughts together into one sentence.
What is a preposition? What does it do?
A preposition shows direction or relationship between a noun and another word.
For example: The rat is in the corner.
She hid under the table.
What is a pronoun?
What is an interjection?
(100 points for each correct answer)
Pronoun substitutes a noun.
Interjection an abrupt interruption or an exclamation. Basically a blurt in writing.
What kind of noun needs to be capitalized? Give an example.
(200 points for the kind of noun, 200 points for the example)
a proper noun which is specific name
Example: Mrs. Turnen, Hartford High School, or New Hampshire.
"The quilt was tattered and old because it was made by my great grandmother."
Identify all of the adjectives.
tattered, old, and great
"I want the apple."
What is the article and is it general or specific?
the and it is specific
"I am going to the store with Mikayla."
Which word is the preposition and why?
"with" tells about my relationship to Mikayla
"Phew! That was a close call."
What is the interjection? What is it showing?
Phew! it is showing relief
"Clem, I need you to relax!"
What is the verb?
"She smiled awkwardly at the photographer on picture day."
What is the adverb? What does it mean?
awkwardly - meaning the way she was smiling appeared awkward or uncomfortable
Make those into one sentence using a conjunction.
I love apples, if they are tart!
I love apples, but my favorite are tart ones.
"My cat was hiding underneath my yoga mat."
What is the preposition?
She was yelling at her.
How many pronouns?
two (she and her)
"My pancake absorbed all of the syrup."
What is the verb?
absorbed - it is something that occurred.
Identify all of the adjectives and tell me what noun they are talking about.
"Jude and Gabe read a book about magic, but they still don't believe in it!"
how many conjunctions in this sentence?
"The boy wanted that apple. Why did you take the apple he wanted? Now he is saying he wants a pear!"
How many articles are in this passage? Are they general or specific?
the boy (specific)
that apple (specific)
the apple (specific)
a pear (general)
"My cat had six kittens. They were crawling all over me! They were so cute. I love them."
How many pronouns?
my, they,me,they,them
"I want to repel bugs, so I am starting a campfire."
How many verbs and what are they?
repel and starting
My dog was hardly excited to take his disgusting medicine.
What is the adverb?
"Timothy went to the store to get peaches, peppers, cucumbers, and taco ingredients. While he was there, he remembered he needed a gallon of milk and cat food."
How many conjunctions? How many articles (specific or general)?
conjunctions- 2 (and & and)
articles - the store (specific), a gallon of milk (general)
List all the prepositions.
about, away, after, to
"OUCH! I can't believe you insulted my style like that."
What is this interjection communicating?
You hurt their feelings by insulting their style. They did not get hurt physically.