What is a pronoun?
A word that replaces a noun.
What is a verb?
A word that describes an action or state of being.
List 1 preposition beginning with the letter "o".
Over, on, of...
A, an, the.
An adverb is an action word. True or false?
Is the word "they" a noun or a pronoun?
Identify the verb in this sentence: She slowly meandered into the room.
Do prepositions take the place of a noun? Yes or no.
Articles are a special group of _____.
Identify the adverb in the following sentence: She slowly wrote down the answer.
The pronoun "we" has what person and number?
First person plural.
What type of word describes a verb?
An adverb.
What is the preposition in the following sentence: The boy with curly hair did his homework yesterday.
What is the difference between "a" and "an"?
"A" goes before a word beginning with a consonant sound. "An" goes before a word beginning with a vowel sound.
A verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
What is the gender of the word "it"?
A helping verb is also called this.
Auxiliary verb.
List 10 propositions.
Of, with, without, over, under, below, above, in, into...
What is the definite article?
List five adverbs.
Quickly, eventually, simultaneously, cautiously, surprisingly.
How many pronouns are in this sentence: Jimmy is the master of disaster.
Identify the verbs in this sentence: She is helping me learn how to make chapati.
Helping, learn, make.
What does a preposition show?
The relationship between two words or phrases.
It was _____ honour to meet you.
How many adverbs are in this sentence: He is really very silly, but truly kind.