Parts of Speech 1
Parts of Speech 2
Purposes of Sentences
Parts of Sentences
Types of Sentences
Define noun and adjective
Noun - a person, place, thing or idea Verb - the action or state of being in a sentence
What part of speech are the words IN ALL CAPITALS? "Forget about YOUR foolish pride, and take ME to the other side." -Stephen Tyler
they are pronouns
What is the purpose of this sentence? (Answer with Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, or Exclamatory) "Stop touching him!!"
What is the subject of a sentence?
Who or what the sentence is about
A simple sentence is made up of...
One independent clause
Define adjective and adverb
Adjective = word that describes a noun Adverb = word that describes when, where, or how an action (verb) occurred
What part of speech are the words IN ALL CAPITALS? "People are STRANGE when you're a stranger, faces look UGLY when you're alone." - Jim Morrison
They are adjectives
What is the purpose of this sentence? (Answer with Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, or Exclamatory) "Can't we all just get along?"
What is the predicate of a sentence?
What that subject is doing.
A complex sentence is made up of...
Two or more independent clauses. The clauses are joined by a conjunction and a comma or with a semicolon.
Define preposition and give 2 examples
a word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase that gives more information about another part of a sentence. examples include (but are not limited to) outside, underneath to, inside, around, on, above, below
What part of speech are the words IN ALL CAPITALS? "He LIVES in a pineapple under the sea, absorbent and yellow and porous IS he." -A salty old sailing captain
They are verbs
What is the purpose of this sentence? "I walk an empty street; I'm on the boulevard of broken dreams, where the city sleeps; I know I'm still alive and I walk alone."
"Brent and Joe were dancing a merry jig when Liz walked in the room." What is the subject? What is the predicate?
Subject = Brent and Joe Predicate = everything else
A complex sentence is made up of...
1 or more independent clauses with one or more subordinate clauses.
Define conjunction and list all seven of the coordinating conjunctions used in the English language
a word that joins two phrases, two parts of a sentence, or items in a list and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet
What part of speech are the words in ALL CAPITALS? "Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you AGAIN Because a vision SOFTLY creeping Left its seeds WHILE I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain STILL remains WITHIN the sound of silence" -Paul Simon
They are prepositions
What is the purpose of this sentence? "Hey, I just met you, and this might be crazy, but here's my number, so call me maybe."
Imperative (polite version)
"Brent and Joe were dancing a merry jig when Liz walked in the room." What is the subordinate clause?
"when Liz walked in the room"
A compound - complex sentence is made up of ... AND Give an example of a compound-complex sentence
two or more independent clauses and at least one subordinate clause.
Tell what the parts of speech are for all the words in this sentence: "Holy Mother of Carlos! On Tuesday, the moist boi ate his cake slowly and happily."
Interjection: Holy Mother of Carlos! Nouns: Tuesday, boi, cake Adjective: moist Verb: ate Preposition: on Adverbs: Tuesday, slowly, happily Conjunction: and
What part of speech are the words IN ALL CAPITALS? "Never gonna give you UP, never gonna let you DOWN, never gonna run AROUND, and desert you."
They are prepositions
What is the purpose of this sentence? AND What is the subject and what is the predicate? "A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one."
Declarative Subject "A surprise" Predicate "to be sure, but a welcome one."
"I am so tired of studying for exams; We all just want to play games and eat ice cream." What are the two subjects? What are the two predicates?
Subs = I and we Predicates = am so tired of studying for exams and all just want to play games and eat ice cream
"Tom and Nick walked to the movies, but they were stopped on the road by bandits, all the while Connor watched from the shadows, and he laughed as his revenge approached." What kind of sentence is this? Explain which part is a subordinate clause.
Compound-Complex Sentence