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What are three types of verbs?
What is action verbs, linking verbs, helping verbs,
Define antecedent and describe how this word relates to pronouns.
What is a pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun, its antecedent.
What does a conjunction do?
It connects words or groups of words.
What is an adverb? Give two examples of an adverb.
What is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. i.e. tomorrow, faster
What are interjections commonly referred to as?
What is Batman words.
What are the four principle parts of a verb? Give an example of each one.
What is past participle, past, present participle, and infinitive. Past Participle: had/has/have worked Infinitive: To work Past: worked Present Participle: working
Pronouns must agree with antecedents in _______ and ______.
What is number and gender.
What are the 3 types of conjunctions?
Coordinating, Subordinating, and Correlative.
What are the different types of adverbs.
What is Time, place, manner, and degree.
Are the words never and not adverbs?
What is yes, they usually are adverbs.
Hazel nearly forgot to ring the bell! What is the verb in this sentence and what type of verb is it?
What is to ring. This verb is in the infinitive form.
State the pronouns in this sentence: The unicorn met the minion near the enchanted tree and they started to play football, until it got lost in the woods.
What is they and it.
What is a correlative conjunction? Give two examples of one.
What is a word that connects a word to a word, a phrase to a phrase, or a clause to a clause. i.e. and, yet, but
Find the adverb in this sentence and say what type it is: The koala in the car spontaneously combusted.
What is spontaneously. It is a positive adverb.
What is a preposition?
What is a word (or a group of words)that shows position, direction, or how two words or ideas are related to each other.
Name the present, infinitive, past, and past participle tense of this verb: shrink.
What is Infinitive: to shrink Past: shrank Past Participle: has/had/have shrunk Present: shrinking
Give 3 different types of pronouns and give an example of each.
What is (Answers may vary) Interrogative (which), subject (her), and possessive (his).
What is a subordinating conjunction?
What is a word or group of words that connects two clauses that are not of equal importance. i.e. as, after, as though
What are the 3 types of adverbs?
What is positive, comparative, and superlative.
Natasha’s friends ran away from a big caterpillar. Find the object, preposition, and modifier in this sentence.
What is Preposition: away from Object: caterpillar Modifier: big
Describe what action verbs do. Give an example of a sentence with an action verb and identify what tense it is in.
What is (Answers may vary) An action verb tells you what the subject of a sentence is doing. Luna has to run home to get her book. "To run" is the verb and it is an infinitive.
What is a subject pronoun and what is an object pronoun? Give an example of each of these and tell how they are different.
What is a subject pronoun tells who or what a clause is about and refers to a specific person, place, or thing and an object pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of preposition, and refer to a specific person, place or thing. A subject pronoun is he and an object pronoun is her.
What is a correlative conjunction?
What are conjunctions used in pairs. i.e. either, or; neither, nor; so, as
Give the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees of faster.
What is fast, faster, fastest. positive, comparative, superlative.
Which of these uses the superlative form: “The Smurfs is an amazing movie.” “Frozen is the most amazing movie I have ever seen.” “Frozen is more amazing than The Smurfs”
What is “Frozen is the most amazing movie I have ever seen.”