Identify the noun(s) in the following sentence: I am so looking forward to meeting your mother.
What is mother?
Identify the pronoun(s) in the following sentence: I am so looking forward to meeting your mother.
What is I?
Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: The incisive question impressed the teacher.
What is incisive?
Identify the adverbs(s) in the following sentence: I was very disappointed with the grades on the first vocabulary quiz.
What is very?
Identify the verbs(s) in the following sentence: Because she was two weeks past her delivery date, the doctor induced labor.
What is induced?
Identify the noun(s) in the following sentence: The wizard removed the ancient tome from from the secret compartment.
What is wizard, tome, and compartment?
Identify the pronoun(s) in the following sentence: We all wanted to go to Shelby's house because her mom made the best cookies.
What is we and her?
Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: Rather than read the boring book, the crafty student opted to read a concise summary of the plot.
What is boring, crafty, and concise?
Identify the adverbs(s) in the following sentence: I sincerely hated to infringe on a parent's free time, but I had to inform her of her daughter's impending failure.
What is sincerely?
Identify the verbs(s) in the following sentence: Bethany was shot on her way to the picnic.
What is was and shot?
Identify the noun(s) in the following sentence: Malcolm is the epitome of laziness; he never does any of his work.
What is Malcolm, epitome, laziness, and work?
Identify the pronoun(s) in the following sentence: I tried to convince myself that it wasn't true.
What is I, myself, and it?
Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: The fractious student struck the flabbergasted teacher in the face.
What is the, fractious, and flabbergasted?
Identify the adverbs(s) in the following sentence: She cleverly avoided class on the days she was woefully unprepared.
What is cleverly and woefully?
Identify the verbs(s) in the following sentence: Malcolm is the epitome of laziness; he never does any of his work.
What is is and does?
Identify the noun(s) in the following sentence: Discussing the inherent dichotomy of good and evil with his freshmen students gave Professor Godwin a headache.
What is dichotomy, good, evil, Professor Godwin, and headache?
Identify the pronoun(s) in the following sentence: They were disgusted by the pungent odor emanating from behind her bathroom door.
What is they and her?
Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence: The pungent odor was the impetus for the hasty exit from the room.
What is the, pungent, and hasty?
Identify the adverbs(s) in the following sentence: The petulant child willfully disobeyed his extremely exasperated teacher.
What is willfully and extremely?
Identify the verbs(s) in the following sentence: The wizard removed the ancient tome from from the secret compartment.
What is removed?
Identify the noun(s) in the following sentence: Mr. Hozeman felt no compunction about having his students dissect frogs, for he thought the study of vertebrate anatomy was more important then the death of a few amphibians.
What is Mr. Hozeman, compunction, students, frogs, study, anatomy, death, and amphibians?
Identify the pronoun(s) in the following sentence: They wanted to go to their grandmother's house because she was always so welcoming.
What is they, their, and she?
Identify the adjective(s) in the following sentence. The punctilious teacher marked ever minor infraction of grammar rules on the sloppy student's essay.
What is the, punctilious, minor, grammar, and sloppy?
Identify the adverbs(s) in the following sentence: I never committed an infraction, but I was still lumped in with the unruly boys.
What is never?
Identify the verbs(s) in the following sentence: Mr. Hozeman felt no compunction about having his students dissect frogs, for he thought the study of vertebrate anatomy was more important then the death of a few amphibians.
What is felt, dissect, and thought?