Types of Sentences
Synonyms and Antonyms
Capitals and Punctuation

What are nouns?

Nouns are words that name a person, place, thing, or idea.


What are pronouns?

Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns.


What are Adjectives?

For 100 Bonus Points!
Complete the sentence: Adjectives answer the questions What _____? Which one? How ______?

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns.

For 100 Bonus Points!
Complete the sentence: Adjectives answer the questions What kind? Which one? How many?


What are action verbs?

Action verbs are words that show action.


What are adverbs?

For 100 Bonus Points!
Complete the sentence: Adverbs answer the questions, _____? _______? and _______?

An adverb is a word that describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

For 100 Bonus Points!
Complete the sentence: Adverbs answer the questions, How? When? and Where?


What are the 4 types of sentence?

For 100 Bonus Points
Explain the punctuation mark used for each type of sentence.

The 4 types of sentences are exclamatory, declarative, imperative, and interrogative.

Exclamatory - !

Declarative - .

Imperative - . or !

Interrogative - ?


Prepositions are small words that tell us when, where and how something happens. They help us understand how a noun or pronoun relates to the rest of the sentence.

Find the preposition.
Templeton crouched under the straw.

Find the preposition.
Templeton crouched under the straw.


How are synonyms and antonyms different? 

Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning.

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.


Write the date correctly on your whiteboard.

april 18 2022

April 18, 2022


Find the nouns in the sentence. Tell if they are proper or common nouns. 

The goose appeared, followed by her seven goslings.

The nouns in this sentence are goose and goslings. 

They are all common nouns.


Find the pronouns in the sentences.

But she paid not attention to him. Together they walked to the pigpen.

The pronouns in these sentences are she, him, and they.


What are the three article adjectives?

The three article adjectives are a, an, and the


What are helping verbs?

Helping verbs are verbs that help another verb.


Find the adverb in the sentence.

She saw him from the kitchen window, and she immediately shouted for the men.

The adverb in this sentence is immediately. 

It describes the action verb shouted. 

Immediately tells us how she shouted for the men.


Complete the sentence.
A declarative sentence makes a _____________.

For 100 Bonus Points
Write a declarative sentence using the proper punctuation mark.

Complete the sentence.
A declarative sentence makes a statement.

For 100 Bonus Points
Answers will vary.


Prepositional phrases start with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.

Find the prepositional phrase.
It made her happy just to be near the pig.

It made her happy just to be near the pig.


What is a synonym for the bolded word?

People are not as smart as bugs.

Answers will vary.


This sentence is missing commas. Write the sentence correctly on your whiteboard.

For lunch Wilbur planned to have warm water apple parings meat gravy meat scraps and stale hominy.

For lunch Wilbur planned to have warm water, apple parings, meat gravy, meat scraps, and stale hominy.


Find the nouns in the sentence. Tell if they are proper or common nouns.

"You children be quiet till we the pig unloaded," said Mrs. Arable. 

The nouns in this sentence are children and Mrs. Arable.

children is a common noun.

Mrs. Arable is a proper noun. It names a specific person.


Find the pronouns in the sentences. 

He opened his mouth and some buttermilk ran in. It was delicious. 

The pronouns are he, his, and it.

It refers to the buttermilk 


Find the article adjectives.

When Mr. Arable returned to the house half an hour later, he carried a carton under his arm.

The article adjectives in this sentence are the, an and a.


Find the helping verb.

"I can see that," replied Wilbur.

(find the action)

The action verbs in this sentence are see and replied.

The helping verb in this sentence is can.

Remember, if the verb is a helping verb you will find it before the verb it is helping.

"I can see that," replied Wilbur.


Find the adverb in the sentence. 

Tomorrow would be Fair Day.

The adverb in this sentence is tomorrow. 

It describes when Fair Day would be.


Complete the sentence.
An exclamatory sentence _________  ____________.

For 100 Bonus Points
Write an exclamatory sentence using the proper punctuation mark.

Complete the sentence.
An exclamatory sentence shows strong emotion.

For 100 Bonus Points
Answers will vary.


Find the prepositional phrase.

He found a folded newspaper behind the cattle barn.

He found a folded newspaper behind the cattle barn.


What is an antonym for the bolded word?

It's very big and strong, and it will never amount to anything.

Answers will vary.


Write the sentence correctly on your whiteboard.

are you out there, templeton? called Wilbur.

"Are you out there, Templeton?" called Wilbur.


Identify all the singular nouns.

pigs  girl  person  children  frogs  men  goose

For 100 Bonus Points
Explain how singular and plural nouns are different.

For 50 Bonus Points
Identify the plural nouns.

The singular nouns are girl, person, and goose.

For 100 Bonus Points
Singular means one and plural means more than one.

For 50 Bonus Points
Pigs, children, and men are plural nouns.


Replace the slanted words in the sentences with a pronoun. 

Just then Charlotte interrupted. "Charlotte shall go, too," Charlotte said, softly. "I have decided to go with Wilbur. Wilbur may need me.

Just then Charlotte interrupted. "I shall go, too," she said, softly. "I have decided to go with Wilbur. He may need me.


Find the adjective in the sentence and the noun it is describing.

Templeton was excited to hear he could find old lunch boxes containing the foul remains of peanut butter sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, and cracker crumbs.

The adjectives in this sentence are old, foul, peanut butter, hard-boiled, and cracker. 

old is describing the lunch boxes

foul is describing the smell of the remains (items left in the lunch box)

peanut butter is describing the kind of sandwich

hard-boiled is describing the kind of eggs

cracker is describing the kind of crumbs


Find the helping verb.

By the time the bus reached school, Fem had named her pet, selecting the most beautiful name she could think of.

(find the action)

The action verbs in this sentence are reached, named, and think.

The helping verbs in this sentence are had and could.

Remember, if the verb is a helping verb you will find it before the verb it is helping.

By the time the bus reached school, Fem had named her pet, selecting the most beautiful name she could think of.


Find the adverb in the sentence.

Templeton moved indoors when winter came.  

The adverb in this sentence is indoors.

Indoors tells us where Templeton moved when winter came.


Complete the sentence.
An interrogative sentence ______  _____________.

For 100 Bonus Points
Write an interrogative sentence using the proper punctuation mark.

Complete the sentence.
An interrogative sentence ask questions.

For 100 Bonus Points
Answers will vary.


Find the prepositional phrase.

Mr. Zuckerman scratched Wilbur's back with a stick.

Mr. Zuckerman scratched Wilbur's back with a stick.


What is a synonym for the bolded word?

Lurvy took out an enormous handkerchief and blew his nose very loud.

Answers will vary.


Write the sentence correctly on your whiteboard.

she closed the canon carefully

She closed the canon carefully.


Replace the words in italics with a proper noun. 

The doctor was not concerned about Fern.

the doctor: any name students use along with Dr.


Create a sentence using the following pronouns.



Responses will vary.

Example sentence: We will keep playing until they come. 


Create your own descriptive sentence. Share the adjectives you chose and the nouns they describe. 

Responses will vary.


Find the action verbs in the sentences.

"Run downhill!" suggested the cows.
"Run toward me!" yelled the gander.
"Run uphill!" cried the sheep.
"Turn and twist!" honked the goose.
"Jump and dance!" said the rooster.

The action verbs in these sentences are run, suggested, yelled, cried, turn, twist, honked, jump, dance, and said.


Create a sentence with adverbs! Your sentence must include two adverbs. 

Choose the type of adverbs you want to include from the list below.

Tells how and where

Tells how and when

Tells when and where

Responses will vary.


Tells how and where: Mom quickly walked outside to get some fresh air.

Tell how and when: Jordan gracefully finished the race today.

Tells when and where: Yesterday Kelly left her book here.


Complete the sentence.
An imperative sentence gives a ___________ or makes a ___________.

For 100 Bonus Points
Write an imperative sentence using the proper punctuation mark.

Complete the sentence.
An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request.

For 100 Bonus Points
Answers will vary.


Find the prepositional phrases.

When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbed over the fence and poured the slops into the trough.

When Mr. Zuckerman reached the pigpen, he climbed over the fence and poured the slops into the trough.


On your whiteboard, write down two synonyms and two antonyms. 

My synonyms
______________     ______________

My antonyms
______________     ______________

Answers will vary.


Write the sentence correctly on your whiteboard.

What will the letters say

What will the letters say?
