What are the nouns in this sentence? (There are 2)
The boys went to school yesterday.
Boys, school
january is a very cold month but sometimes february is colder.
What do you need to capitalize?
January, February
They was going to the store yesterday.
Correct the sentence.
They went to the store yesterday.
What are the common and Proper Nouns in this sentence? (There are 2 common nouns and 1 Proper Noun)
The two girls went to the Tuckahoe Library to read books.
girls, books, Tuckahoe Library
i need to clean my car out on wednesday.
I, Wednesday
Sally and I is going to the library tomorrow.
Correct the sentence.
Sally and I are going to the library tomorrow.
What are the verbs in this sentence? (There are 2)
Jose and Bassim go to Freeman High School so that they can learn English.
go, learn
some ESL students take the citizenship test and become citizens of the united states of america
Some ESL students take the citizenship test and become citizens of the United States of America.
manuel, ivan, and i is watching the movie "Avengers" and cook popcorn.
Correct the sentence.
Manuel, Ivan, and I are watching the movie "Avengers" and cooking popcorn.
What are the nouns, verbs, and adjectives in this sentence? Nouns- 6 Verbs- 2 Adjectives- 3
Kerlin and Stephanie walked to the store and bought red apples, sugar cookies, and orange juice.
Nouns- Kerlin, Stephanie, store, apples, cookies, juice
Verbs- Walked, bought
Adjectives- red, sugar, orange
sally, mike, and i went to richmond, virginia to visit our friend bob.
What words need to be capitalized?
Sally, Mike, I, Richmond, Virginia, Bob
one of the best christmas books are "The Grinch who Stole Christmas".
One of the best Christmas books is "The Grinch who Stole Christmas."
What are the nouns, verbs, and adjectives in this sentence?
Ms. Watson was helping Miguel, Ali, and Ariel to work on their difficult homework for their Virginia and US History class.
Nouns- Ms. Watson, Miguel, Ali, Ariel, Virginia and US history class
Verbs- was helping, to work
Adjectives- difficult
What words need to be capitalized or not capitalized?
freeman high school has Students from Many countries Such as egypt, sudan, honduras, and nepal.
Freeman High School has students from many countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Honduras, and Nepal.