Personal Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns

Identify the pronouns and prepositions in this sentence: 

You and I need to get ready to go to his party at their house.

Pronouns: You, I, his, their 

Prepositions: to, to, to, at


Identify the possessive pronouns in this sentence and fill in the blank: 

Your cakes _______  (was / were) delicious.

Pronoun: Your

Your cakes were delicious.


Identify the indefinite pronouns in this sentence: 

Is anybody going to the study group tonight?

Indefinite pronoun - anybody


Identify the proper noun in the following sentence:

Meen loves ice cream.



Identify the action verbs in the following sentence: 

JJ jumps over the fence.



Identify the personal pronouns in this sentence: 

He is going to get on the bus now.

Propnoun: He


Identify the possessive pronouns in this sentence: 

That dog is chasing its tail.



Identify the indefinite pronouns in this sentence:

Someone needs to pick up their trash off the floor.

Indefinite pronoun - Someone


Identify the common nouns in the following sentence and fill in the blank (there is more than one possessive adjective); name three: 

We purchased a new collar for _______ (possessive adjective) dog. 

collar; dog

We purchased a new collar for (my, your, his, her, or their) dog.


Identify the action verbs in the following sentence:

Fah chews her food slowly.



Identify the pronouns in this sentence and fill in the blank: 

You ______(to be) not going to the same place we are going.

Pronouns: you; we

You are not going to the same place we are going.


Identify the pronouns in this sentence: 

My brother is going to your house tomorrow.

Pronouns: My; your


Identify the indefinite pronouns in this sentence and fill in the blank: 

A few ______ candy, but no one wanted to share.

Indefinite pronoun - few; no one

A few got candy, but no one wanted to share.

A few had candy, but no one wanted to share.

A few enjoyed candy, but no one wanted to share.

A few ate candy, but no one wanted to share. 


Identify the common nouns in the following sentence: 

I like to order the hamburger and fries from the new Shake Shack in Bangkok.

hamburger; fries


Identify the linking verbs in the following sentence: 

Joe ________ (was / were) at the game on Friday.

Joe was at the game on Friday.


Identify the pronouns in this sentence: 

How long has it been since you've seen them?

Pronouns: it; you've; them


Identify the pronouns and prepositions in this sentence: 

Their party is going to be really fun, but I have to go to my grandparent's house instead.

Pronouns: Their; I; my

Prepositions: to, to, to


Identify the indefinite pronouns in this sentence:

Someone trashed his house last night. ______ anyone know who did it?

Someone; anyone

Does anyone know who did it?


Identify the uncountable nouns in the following sentence and fill in the blank: 

Love and friendship ________ (is, are) very valuable to me.

love; friendship

Love and friendship are very valuable to me. 


Identify the helping verb in the following sentence and fix the sentence: 

Matt should studies to the quiz tomorro

Helping verb: should

Matt should study for the quiz tomorrow. 


Identify the personal pronoun in this sentence and fill in the blank:

 _______ don't you get ready for school?

Pronoun: you

Why don't you get ready for school? 


Identify the pronouns and prepositions in these sentences and fill in the blank: 

Our car broke down on the way to his party. 

_______ (do) you get there on time?

Pronouns - Our; his; you

Prepositions - down, on, to, on

Our car broke down on the way to his party. Did you get there on time?


Identify the indefinite pronouns in these sentences and name a contraction: 

We are going to the village because everyone is going to be there. Anyone can go.

everyone; anyone

We're going to the village because everyone is going to be there. Anyone can go.


Identify the nouns in the following sentence: 

In the business world, it is valuable to be bilingual. Many business people in Thailand speak English and Chinese.

business world; business; people; Thailand; English; Chinese


Identify the helping verbs in the following sentence and correct the sentence: 

Noah was going be late for the game, so she should have driver faster.

Helping verb: was; should

Noah was going to be late for the game, so he should have driven faster.
