What is the skull?
This body part is responsible for housing the brain and facilitating thoughts, emotions, and bodily functions.
What is the iris?
This part of the eye controls the amount of light that enters.
What is the clavicle?
This bone is often called the collarbone
What are cones?
These receptors in the eye are responsible for color vision.
What is the kidney?
This organ is responsible for filtering waste from the blood and producing urine.
What are the ears?
These paired structures allow you to hear sounds and maintain balance.
What are teeth?
These structures in the mouth help to tear and chew food.
What is the quadriceps femoris or quadriceps?
This muscle is the largest in the human body and is responsible for movement of the leg.
What are olfactory receptors?
These tiny structures in the nose detect smells and send signals to the brain.
What is the skin?
It’s the largest organ of the human body and serves as a protective barrier.
What is the frontalis muscle?
It's the muscle that allows you to raise and lower your eyebrows.
What are nails?
these structures, found at the end of fingers and toes, are made of keratin
What is the ulna?
this bone in the forearm is located on the same side as the pinky finger
What are taste buds?
These specialized cells on the tongue allow you to taste different flavors.
What is the pancreas?
This organ produces insulin and regulates blood sugar levels
What is the shoulder?
Question: This joint connects the arm to the torso and allows for a wide range of motion
What is the cerebellum?
This part of the brain is responsible for coordinating muscle movements and maintaining balance.
What is the rectus abdominis?
This muscle, often associated with six-packs, is located in the abdominal area
What are receptors or nerve endings?
these sensory organs in the skin detect pressure, temperature, and pain.
What is the pituitary gland?
It’s often called the body's "master gland" because it regulates many other glands in the endocrine system
What is the knee?
Found at the end of the leg, it’s the largest joint in the human body
What are sweat glands?
These small glands produce sweat, which helps regulate body temperature.
What are the carpals?
These bones make up the wrist.
What is the ear?
This is the primary organ of the auditory system
What is the gallbladder?
This organ stores bile produced by the liver and releases it to aid in digestion.