What is this? An ear or an arm?
An ear.
What are these in English?
They are arms.
They are arm wrestling (Sie machen Armdrücken.)
You eat with this? What is it in English?
She is stretching her _____.
This woman has turned her _____ to her left.
What are these? A: Cheeks B: Eyes C: Toes
What do you walk with? Your...
A: arms B: legs C: head
You walk with your legs.
This is a ______.
A foot.
You have ten of these on your hand.
What is this in English?
A: shoulder B: ear
A shoulder
Legt deine Hand auf seine Schulter!
How do you say "legen" or "stellen" in English?
A: put B: place C: set
All of them.
You have one foot, but two...
A. feat B. feet
Stell deinen Fuß auf das Bein!
Translate into English, please.
Put/place/set your foot on your leg.
Is this woman crossing her arms or turning her arms?
She's crossing her arms.
He has turned his _____ to his right.
A: arm B: body
His body.
You kiss with your m______.
What is this person doing?
A: Crossing her legs
B: Kicking her legs
She's crossing her legs.
"Cross" means "kreuzen, Kreuz"
This boy in blowing his ______.
His nose.
What are these hands touching on this man?
A: His foot B: His throatThey're touching his throat.
He's _________ his arm.
A: dehning B: stretching