Where is the hair?
on the head
Balance on one foot
What is in your mouth?
teeth and tongue
5 Lunges
How many fingers do you have one hand?
10 mountain climbers
What is your fifth finger (hint it is the fattest and smallest)?
Your thumb
Five Jumping Jacks
What is the part of the body that you measure when you buy pants?
Your waist
Free Space
What is between your eyes?
your nose
Five Jumping Jacks
What attaches your head to your body?
your neck
5 arm circles
Wh part of the body are your fingers attached to?
Your hands
Jump and clap over your head 5 times
What is the part of the body that connects your hand to your arm?
The wrist
Free Space
BONUS: What is the part of your fingers where you use nail polish?
Your nails
Pretend you are playing your favorite sport
What is something you have two of on your face?
eyebrows and eyes
5 Push-Ups
What is below your nose?
your mouth
Wave High to 3 friends
How many toes do you have on one foot?
Free Space
What is the part of the body that connects your leg to your foot?
Your ankle
Reach up to the sky
What is the part of the body that is in back of you?
Your back
Jump up and down 5 times
What is something that you listen with?
your ears
5 of any exercise you choose!
What is the part of the mouth where you put lipstick?
your lips
5 arm curls
What part of the body is in the center of your leg?
Your knee
Spin in a circle 5 times
What is the part of the body that you use to run with?
Your leg
Pretend you are skiing or snowboarding
BONUS: What is the part of the body that is at the very bottom of your face?
Your chin
5 squats
What is above your eyes?
your eyebrows
Raise the Roof 5 times
What is on your eyes?
5 calf raises
What is the part of the body that is the center of arm?
The elbow
Touch your toes 5 times
What is the part of the body that you pass a ball with?
Your arms
Elbow to your opposite knee 5 times
BONUS: What is the upper part of your leg called?
Your thigh
Jog in place for 10 seconds