ojos in Englis is...?spell it!
cuello and espalda in English are...?
Neck and back
3 ways to say "Dolor"...
Pain, sore, and ache.
A childhood disease resulting in red spots that itch.
chicken pox.
calambre o colico in English are...?
encias in English is...?
This is the biggest organ of the body?
How do we say resfriado and gripe in English... ?
cold and flu
disease produce because of high levels of glucose (sugar)
bendajes and muletas in English are...?
bandages and crutches
Garganta in English is...?
they are part of your superior limbs ex. Arm,...(5)
shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, and fingers.
irritated, red skin, often with small spots and marks.
Something that hurts gets dark, and purple on your ankle or foot usually because of a bad movement or accident.
sprain and twist
jarabe, pildoras, tabletas, aspirinas, capsulas in English are...?
syrup, pills, aspirins, tablets, and capsules.
pestaƱas and cejas in English are...?
eyebrowns and eyelashes
They are part of the lower extremities...(4)
leg, thigh, knee, calf.
When you don't brush your teeth, you'll get...?
when your (throat hurts)I and you (make some sound when you)...? (Noun and Verb)I
sore throat and cough
visina in English is...?
eye drops
cabeza, cabello,frente, boca, lengua and dientes in English are...? spell it one by one. if you want your team can help you to spell them.
head, hair, forehead, mouth, tongue, and teeth.
They are parts of your feet (3)...
ankle, heel, and toes.
How do we call to an increased or expanded area, often an ankle or joint...
put this on irritated skin or when is inflammated
suero in English is...?
Saline bag