When we listen to God's word during the Mass
What is the liturgy of the Eucharist?
What is the concluding rite?
When we kneel on our right knee facing the tabernacle and make the sign of the cross.
What is genuflecting?
What is called when the priest teaches and explains the Gospel and readings.
The Homily
The moment the bread and wine change to the body and blood of Jesus.
The consecration
Possible answers: altar, crucifix, thurible
The name of the prayer we say right before receiving Communion
The Lord's Prayer or Our Father
List 2 objects that are used in the Introductory Rite
Possible answers: crucifix, altar, thurible. vestments
The reading during Mass from the New Testament that ONLY the priest reads
The Gospel
Name 3 objects that are used in the liturgy of the Eucharist
Possible answers: ciborium, chalice, cruets, altar, paten, tabernacle
The name of the prayer the priest says that begins the concluding rite
Final Blessing
We do this sign at the beginning and the end of Mass and at the beginning and end of any prayer we say
The Sign of the Cross
What is the very first step in the Introductory Rite?
Entrance Procession
What are the two parts of the bible that the readings are taken from?
The Old Testament and the New Testament
What is it called when we receive the Body and Blood of Jesus?
The name of the very last thing we do when the priest and altar servers are leaving
Recessional Hymn
This is the prayer the priest says at the beginning of the Mass
Opening Prayer
The person who reads from the lectionary
The lector
The prayer the priest says when he consecrates the bread and wine into Jesus' Body and Blood
Consecration Prayer
The priest will say a prayer that blesses the people and sends them out in the world to live their faith, what is that part of the mass called?
The Dismissal