We dip our fingers in this as a reminder of our Baptismal promises as we enter the church.
What is Holy Water
When we kneel on our right knee facing the tabernacle as we are coming into and leaving the church pew.
What is genuflecting?
This is the first part of the mass..
What is the lntroductory Rite?
This person prays over the gifts and blesses the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.
Who is the Priest.
Finish this phrase we say to prepare ourselves to Christ's body and blood. Lord I am not Worthy that you should enter under my roof.....
What is but only say the word and I shall be healed?
The last part of the mass is called the....
Concluding Rites
The table the gifts are placed upon during mass.
What is the alter.
We express unity with one another during this act.
What is the sign of Peace?
During these prayers we pray for our community, the oppressed afflicted and sick, our church, those in need.
What are Prayers of the Faithful or Petitions?